I don't know if this is a good sign or not, but the Tiki Man burnt my finger this morning. Las summer, on one of our rare outings to Cocoa Beach, Hubby picked up a
Tiki Man lighter. I used it to light my Christmas candles. Because of the angle to light the candles and what I can only assume is the unsafe distance between the switch to make the Tiki Man's eyes light up and to light the gas, I burnt my thumb. It hurts to type.
I suppose the Tiki Man is the chosen distributor of my punishment. See, I'm not at work. I should be at work, especially today since my manager is out. However, I scheduled dental work a while back and scheduled the day off when he would be returning (only he hasn't; he stopped by yesterday to let us know he was taking the rest of the week off). And due to the Holidays, I opted out of my dental work not only because of the cost, but because reassurances couldn't be made that I wouldn't suffer from pain over the Holidays.
I'm going after the New Year.
I should have gone to work. I know this, but I so very badly wanted a day for myself. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. The boy arrives home on Sunday. I'm going to use the morning to jump start cleaning for his arrival (sorry, genetic defect on my mother's side; if someone is coming to visit, you clean as if it was the Queen of England visiting). If I accomplish my numbered tasks, I will brew another pot of tea and crawl into bed with Sherlock Holmes this afternoon.
And if you're all little good boys and girls, I'll take you with me. I have a story from last night that will put a smile on your face.