Yeah, yeah, I promised an update a few days ago. However, I looked at the pictures I took with my phone and only one turned out. So, here:
The scarf is my birthday present. It's soft and comfy. It covered up my birthday pin I was forced to wear. The pin got me a free cupcake and cup filled with caramel corn. Hubby escorted me to
Disney's Hollywood Studios. I love this park. Sure, it doesn't have a ton of fast-paced rides, but the architecture never fails to make me smile. And I did, all day long, smile. Between park employees and patrons wishing me happy birthday and seeing the sights, I never stopped smiling.
Hubby and I managed to skirt into two restaurants we've been dying to try:
50's Prime Time Cafe and
Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater. Both places had excellent food and entertaining surroundings. In the
50's Prime Time Cafe, I saw so much I needed to steal for
misscoollinda that it wasn't funny. If I could've figured a way to get it out of the park unnoticed, I would've refurbished her living room.
My college decided to cancel classes for yesterday. My prof had to re-do the schedule. He dropped the hands-on final. Damn it. That was the one of the two finals I planned on acing. So, I'm going to spend the weekend studying my ass off so I can pass the take-home final. Of course, the take-home final will only be available on Hubby's birthday. So, I'll be up early to take the test so I can escort him to
the Magic Kingdom for his birthday.
Chatting with the boy last night made me miss him all the more. I ordered three Marie Callenders Frozen Food Turkey and Gravy and Dressing and two pumpkin pies, along with other necessary supplies, to be delivered to the boy at his apartment. I chatted with him until the order arrived and he devoured one of the turkey dinners and a slice of pie. His roommates went home for the weekend. He was delighted to have the place to himself for the weekend. He's a great kid. I miss him so much.
We're into hour seven of our own, personal
Mystery Science Theater 3000 marathon. Back when my mother was alive, when she was starting to become ill, she became upset that she wouldn't be able to pull of T-Day dinner. So, Hubby and I offered to be kitchen slaves; she sat at the table and ordered us about. I figured, it would be the best way to learn all her cooking tricks. The night before we backed the pies. The day of, we cooked the rest of the meal. She wired the television in the kitchen with cable so we watched Comedy Central's
Turkey Day Marathon of MST3K.
It was one of the best Thanksgiving ever. Mom was happy to have kitchen slaves. Hubby and I had a blast cooking and laughing. If you've never seen MST3K, do so as soon as possible.
Dishes are soaking. Food has been put away. Family has been called or text-messaged. And Hubby and I are sick. Time to curl up and laugh until we're better.