Well, I cut my hair. Detroit spoiled me; I found a hair goddess who could do anything with my head of hair and it would look good. The woman even shaved my head once. Her philosophy was everyone needed to know what their head looked like. I couldn't argue. My son, three years old at the time, loved it. He wouldn't stop rubbing my head. My friend's son cried.
I found a hair goddess after I moved to Florida. She dyed my hair for different shades and gave me a razor cut so, from behind, all four colors would layer. It was cool. However, she completed her business degree and some big hair company hired her. She moved to Atlanta.
The last person to touch my hair did a horrible dye job. Plus her and her mother was frightened of me because of the tale of my shaved head.
The before picture:
The after picture:
From the front:
Since more than ten inches was cut, I was able to send my hair to
Locks of Love. I like the idea that some kid with leukemia runs around with red and black hair getting better.