(no subject)

Dec 25, 2004 16:11

Today I traveled to Mars. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.... I took my friends Andy and Tony. They are explorers like me; searching the depths of the earth,... nay, the universe. Our journey started out as any other, making preparations and planning out our routes. I am the planner of course. That's my addition to the group. Planning. It's what I'm good at. We all have our areas of expertise. Andy is an expert with animals. A veterinarian of sorts. A very peculiar fellow, but a good man none the less. Gifted in many areas, exceeding animals. That is only his main focus. He grew up in a very urban area with no pets or wild animals, so he is now making up lost time with his furry friends. Tony is primarily the outdoorsman of the group. The guide through the jungles and miscellaneous terrain we encounter in the wilderness. It comes as second nature to him because of his upbringing in the outskirts of Australia. Many years were spent interacting with the bushman; learning their way of life and how to use the things mother nature intended for us. So this was the gang, the group of us that went on these amazing adventures to places people only imagine, and dream up, and read in books such as this; only those books are found under the 'fiction' section. This one, as you will notice, is not. Because the contents herein are every bit as real as the print you are reading as we speak. Well, I feel like I'm getting off subject now. You'll have to excuse me, as I do it quite often. This story can't fully be told, or fully understood, however, without explaining how in the world; or rather, out of this world, we were to get ourselves to Mars. We didn't use any kind of morphing device or crazy, impossible thing like that. We did it the old fashioned way. A rocketship. Not just any rocketship though. 'Fernando'.
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