Feb 12, 2007 21:21
Gary Meader February 13, 2007
Block 8 King Lear Act III Questions
1. Lear’s emotional state reflects that of the storm because both where rash and uncontrollable.
2. Lear begins to realize that many people have betrayed his trust and he decides to take action against the betrayers. At this point, good seems to be fighting against evil.
3. Lear decides that he will no longer focus all of his energy on Regan and Goneril’s actions and claims he shall no longer be mad. All of Lear’s thoughts and pity have been directed towards himself.
4. Both Edgar and King Lear have gone into the wilderness away from their families that appear to have betrayed them. Lear tearing off all his clothes signifies that in the wilderness he is not above anyone. Edgar serves as someone who grounds King Lear and makes him see that he is no more powerful than anyone else and shows Lear that power can be taken away just as easily as it is given.
5. Lear, Kent, Edgar and The Fool decide to hold a trial against Goneril and Regan for not honoring their father and deceiving him.
6. At this point, Regan becomes completely power hungry. She orders Gloucester be killed because of treason. She then gouges out one of his eyes, then a servant, who wants her to stop is killed under her orders. She also reveals to Gloucester that he trusted the wrong son, and that Edgar was in fact the good child. After Gloucester is blinded and the servant is killed, two remaining servants worry about the evils that Regan is capable of.
7. Gloucester being blinded indicates two things about human nature, both of which are hypocritical of the other. Goneril shows the evils that are in human nature. She shows readers that some people will stop at nothing to see their goals pan out. Shakespeare also shows the negative side-effects of power. The servants however show that some people are still compassionate and not willing to stand by idly while evil is being done. They do this by violating a rule that was prevalent at the time, and that was to never talk back to your masters. One servant fights his master, Cornwall to save Gloucester and would have won if Goneril hadn’t killed him. Then two other servants help Gloucester without Goneril knowing.