Weekend Update LIVE with Angela...

May 08, 2006 21:44

So Jen called me up to get my ass out to walk the lakes with her. So we got back to her place and turned on the TV to find none other than...FINDING NEMO! So we watched like 20 mins of that and decided to drive in for the Disney Send-Off Party the next day. So..Cinco de Mayo, 9pm, we drive into the NOLA. We get to her place at like 10:15 and start eating chips and salsa. Becky then shows up with her friend, David. Becky and Jen start talking in code, David and I have NO IDEA what they are talking about, so he says, "wanna go outside and talk?" so we leave and go sit on the front porch. (Mind you, Jen and I were still in our "work-out" clothes...so we weren't smelling the greatest) David and I start talking and we realize that we have a LOT in common. For example, we both live uptown! (YES! I FOUND AN UPTOWNER! Now, I can have lunch UPTOWN with an UPTOWN "friend"!) He went to Jesuit, I went to ASH. He knows all about the debutante stuff...and well, I can't say anymore on that topic for now. His last name is the first name of a VERY good friend of mine (I miss you, boo!) He is a gentleman, and I LOVE gentlemen. He likes the old fashioned girls and oh, wait...I'm old fashioned! Anyways, so we talked for what seemed like 5 mins, but turned out to really be close to half an hour. Jen came outside, but we didn't even notice...then Becky came out and all 4 of us started talking...then Kelly and Jeffery showed up so we all went inside so we wouldn't get eaten alive by bugs.
Since it is Cinco de Mayo, we decide to celebrate it...but we didn't find any good alcohol that was already opened...so we just made pina coladas...(we being Becky) We all went into the other room and watched The Skeleton Key. (LOVE THE MOVIE...absolutely love it!) We start the movie at like 12:30...it wasn't over till like 2:15ish...Jen and I tried to stay up until her mom got home (we barely made it). Then Jen and I went to sleep at like 3:15...got up at 9/930, got dressed, went to see Grandmom, then went to my house, unpacked my suitcase, headed out to GRETNA for the BBQ. We got there with no problems. :) Jen is the best co-pilot by the way.

So we get to the BBQ just in time for the Trivia game...Jonnie is tallying up the scores and there is a tie for first place, so we need to think of a tie-breaker question...but Julie decides to give them both a "CP Survival Kit" which consisted of Ziploc baggies, shampoo and conditioner, tupperware/gladware/whatever that stuff is, aluminum foil among a few other things. We all got to meet Michael. They are adorable together! So we take pics, eat, CPs leave, Reps help Julie clean up. Jen and I took a grill home...why? I don't know. I think I said we could tailgate with it...but I mean, its such a small grill! Anyways, Jen and I leave to go back to NOLA, visit Grandmom once more and then head on up to BR.

Update on Grandmom: she is talking now, she still sounds bad, but they were trying to get her to swallow food. She is having PT every day now. She recognized me, and motioned for me to come closer to her bed. When she opened her eyes and asked me to come close so she could give me a hug, I just started crying. Just over a month ago, we all thought she wasn't going to make it....but God gave us a miracle and for that I'm forever grateful.

So Jen and I get back up here around 6. Mom was supposed to come up with us, drive behind us, whatever.She ended up getting up here at like 915. We had dinner together, watched a movie, fell asleep, got up the next morning, watched another movie, ate at Cane's, ended up fighting (why can we never get through a weekend without a fight? oh, right...menopause. AWESOME!) So I get upset, mom leaves, I study for English..the night goes on...david and I start talking for hours....and then he "drops the bomb"...he tells me about this other girl. But what I don't get is....he tells me that he likes me, but theres this other girl back at school that he likes and thinks could be "the one" yet hes telling me that I'm what hes looking for in a girl, we have so much in common and if there wasn't the other girl back at school, he would have asked me out on a "get to know you better" kind of date....

So anyways, I fall asleep around 2:30, after David and I worked everything out and when I get back we are going to go for a walk in the park and possibly lunch. yay! I woke up at 6:52, called Jason to remind him about our English exam at 730 in the am....got to class/exam at 7:20 where Mrs. Major had doughnuts and OJ for us...what an awesome teacher! too bad i couldnt eat the doughnuts :( so i finish the exam at 9, leave the classroom, get home at like 9:30, fall asleep at like 945 and sleep through my alarm until 330...definitely slept through my history exam review...dammit.

So I wake up, start listening to my music, take my semester book quiz for Bonin, Jen calls me and wants me to go walk the lakes with her. A few unexpected things happen, so I deal, Matt gives me Kris' number, call her, but oh wait...Matt is USELESS and gave me the wrong number. So I call him, finally he gets the right number and IMs it to me. I love you, Matt, but you are a dork. Jen and I walk the lakes, talk about boys, disney, the summer, next school year, how much weight I'm going to lose, how I DON'T need to lose the weight and how much we love having each other as best friends....:) I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her as a friend. But tomorrow, after I finish my Math final we are going to walk the lakes again. I was told to "be there"...

But now I have to finish studying for my Music and Math exams....good luck on finals, y'all. I'll update on the boy situation when more details become available...
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