Why? Why, God, why?

May 03, 2006 22:18

Why do I miss him so much? I mean, it wasn't anything that we could call "spectacular" but I considered it pretty damn good...
I don't know why I "torture" myself by looking at his pictures on facebook, thinking about him, looking at the few pictures I have of him here in my apartment with me...but ugh! I can't stand this. I need to see him again. If only for a day, for an hour, for 10 mins...I just want to see him and tell him how I REALLY feel...

Oh well. For all I know he could be reading this, laughing or saying the same thing about me...I hope it is the same.....I miss you.

Well, to get my mind off of all this, Kristen and Neil are making me go out with them....so time to finish my Poli Sci shit and let the drinking begin...
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