So this is what I've been missing...

Apr 29, 2006 00:33

Tonight was one of the best nights I've had in such a long time!! Cody came to get me at 7 sharp. We stayed here and talked for a few mins then we went to Walk-Ons (good food, by the way), we talked for such a long time...turns out we have a LOT in common (just to name a few things, we are both only children, our parents got divorced when we were between the ages of 3 & 5, both LOVE to travel, among other things). After dinner he suggested that we go see a movie, so we went to see RV. When we were in line to get tickets Jenn saw me and came over to me..we talked and I re-introduced them by saying "Jenn, you remember Cody from English, right?" and then we all started talking about that WONDERFUL class...anyways, so we finally got the tickets, but it was 8:45 and the movie didn't start for another hour, so we went to Barnes and Nobles and walked around, looked at CDs, DVDs, made fun of the price of DVDs etc...But oh, I forgot to mention that EVERY SINGLE TIME we came to a door, he rushed to open it for me and hold it open...*gasp* are gentlemen still alive?! I THINK SO!! I believe I've found the last one though...anyways, so that was such a nice surprise.

So during the movie he kept trying to find an excuse to either hold my hand, put his arm around me, touch my arm etc...I thought this was so cute :) I leaned forward to move my purse (and to see if he would do anything) and when I leaned back, his arm was around me...SO SWEET...SO CUTE!! This guy is amazing. During the movie there were these obnoxious 14-16 year olds and the cops came in and kicked some of them out, but other than that it was good. After the movie he drove me back to my apt, we hung out here for about 10 mins and then he went on his way back to his apt. I'll save all the lovey-dovey/mushy-gushy stuff out...but when he left, (I took Claire's advice) we hugged, he said he'd call me and I just smiled and thanked him again for a wonderful night.

Now, if only I could make up my mind on what to do I call him? Do I wait for him to call me? Do I send him a message via facebook? Do I wait until I see him on campus again? Do I go for it? Or do I just sit back and let it all go at its own pace...

Cody, if you are reading this: Thank you AGAIN for the best night I've had in such a long time. I really enjoyed dinner and the movie was funny (stupid funny at points, but funny nonetheless) and what I want to thank you most for, is for being a gentleman. It sure is nice to know that chivalry still exists...I'm looking forward to whatever comes our way next...
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