Nov 08, 2008 09:49
it happens. i thought it was okay to let my guard down and it wasnt. on top of being like every other guy, hes not even very good at it. everyone who plays the game knows you always avoid haveing your guys/girls in the same place at the same time because its not only a quick way to get yourself caught, it is also overly disrespectful. if you do and you have actually been smooth enough to get away with it, dont go home with one when its what you promised the other. so what happened, you ask? well, last night of the haunt there is always a party, so he went with me to get the jameson before we opened. he contimued with his charming "i actually care" front on the car ride including us getting into why gary and i broke up. all night we were flirting little bits here and there. a quick stop in my room to talk to mme and my actors, a poke in the ribs in the break area, a quick slip of hands or flirtatious whisper when no one was looking. i couldnt wait for the party because i really thought something wonderful would be coming. and at the beginning it really seemed to be that way. we shared our first kiss. we had a few drinks. we were having a great time. then he tells me his best friend is coming up to the party and that he and her have history, that she was very flirtatious and not to be jealous. that was fine, i knew who he was coming home with because we had talked about it earlier. i knew it was a lie at the time, but it didnt really matter to me. it was a smooth one though, ill have to give him that. so i gave him his space and they hung out together for the rest of the party. i turn around at one point and hes giving hugs and telling everyone goodbye. i ask him where hes going and he didnt answer or look at me and practicly ran out to her car. i was crushed. you know, not everyone gets this cause not alot of people have close friends whos sons are close enough in age to date. but generally, when you do, they are off limits and you only get involved with them if you absolutely cant help yourself. i really dont think brent understood what i was putting on the line for him.
i cancelled our date after that ofcorse and went to the bar to have a men-suck party. i got rediculously drunk and got it out of my system. while i was drunk i came to the realization that i have some wonderful men falling all over themselves to be with me and that, if im going to find someone to focus on, it should be one of them. so ive been out all the rest of the week. i met a new guy who shares alot of the same nerdy interests as me and is in school to be a history teacher and we have been out twice, and i have also been out twice with addison who told me yesterday that he loves me. im a little scared of that, but i do like him quite a bit and he listens when i tell him something, so who knows.