I will shoot, stuff, and mount the Easter Bunny on my wall...

Apr 01, 2002 02:02

My Easter was hellish. More so hellish than usually, even. There is always the obligatory visiting of the relatives, unless you have arrangements otherwise--like not living near them at all, which I can't wait for sometimes. But God, did I wish for a shot gun to end my own misery with most of the time. The only time I didn't was when I was off walking Fizzi in the avocado grove or when she and I fell asleep in one of the living room chairs from lack of sleep.

Last night was great though. I went over to my friend Michelle's house (whom I hadn't seen since Kat left in Mid-January) for her birthday "bash", mainly family. I met her best friend, finally, for the first time. Awesome chick we call Rox and her brothers Aline and Magney (I think that's how you spell his name) who are very awesome, very intelligent and rather likable guys, rare for me to find, especially in Florida. But then I met their parents and I understood--the entire family is wonderful and I hope I can spend more time with them in the near future, if and when possible.

Strange occurrences, though. I never intended to sleep over with them there, it would've just been Michelle and Rox in a big dark house. But just as I got on the highway, about two miles down, there is a strong of cop cars blocking the entire road, save for the exit. I exit and think, perhaps, I can keep going in the same direction, but cops even blocked the ramp to get on. I couldn't figure it out, I saw no accident (still haven't heard anything) and after contacting family and Michelle, I ended up back at Mi-chan's house and we watched the last two DVDs of Boogiepop Phabtom, which I had not seen previous, ever. Fascination, though twisted. Something I would've probably conjured up if I actually did drugs. This is why I don't. ^_^

Anyhow, I got no sleep at all, since I had to leave somewhat early to get back home before having to do familial Easter stuff. And Michelle, sweetly, stayed up with me, though she was just as wired as I was, to tell the truth. By the time I left, she was a walking zombie, and I have been up 14 hours more since then. Fun, really. I don't really feel the effects unless I get myself into a relaxed position, usually lying down. Then I'm screwed.

All in all, though, I've pulled all-nighter many times before, in trying to adjust my schedule, so this isn't a new thing for me. but I think I did well, despite the odds of mood and exhaustion. I'm actually somewhat calm and optimistic, even now. I suppose it's a mild insanity that only people who've been up a certain amount of time begin to feel the weight of. And it comes in stages. Thank God I'm not trying to test the boundaries.

All in all, I'm tired and I think I'll finally get to bed. Wish me sweet dreams.


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