Update for December

Dec 14, 2010 01:03

Well since I haven't posted anything in a while I thought I'd let people know what's going on.

1: a new chapter of the Snow Queen is in the works. We're currently up to two pages, and generally I average out to about nine per chapter so a ways to go yet but with Christmas hols approaching I'll have plenty of time to write. I hope to be completely done with the fic before winter's out! (And I have to admit I'll be sad to see it go.)

2: I did participate in the Doctor Who Secret Santa found here. So please go and take a peek, there have been some lovely exchanges so far!

3: I am attempting to write for the sisters of guh ficathon so I've got at least one fic in the works for that. There are a whole bunch of other ficathons going so I'll try and see if there's any inspiration to be had at any of those either. Fortunately the Doctor/Rose muse is biting so you should be seeing more of me this month, and not all of it will be strictly holiday related.

4: my last two exams for the term are tomorrow and Wednesday. Wish me luck!

5: I'm churning ideas for my next multi-chapter Doctor/Rose fic, don't really want to say much more than that. I'll probably start working on it after the completion of the Snow Queen.

That's all for now!

random shna

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