Random Rant about 10.5/R, ignore if you wish, though feedback is appreciated, and it may be funny.

Mar 29, 2010 20:00

Read RTD's interview with "The Writer's Tale" and felt the need to rant... sorry everyone:

If you don't like TenII or Rose or whatnot, turn back now this mostly has to do with them, it might be humorous though, so stick around if you're not positive.

(cue some sort of theme music, not Doctor Who necessarily (although that did just pop up on my ipod shuffle... ironic) but just something)

So I got to the part where RTD talks about how he was going to include Rose into The End of Time, where he says:
...and the whole Rose thing suddenly made sense. I've been massively worried about how to include her at the end of 4.18, when the Doctor revisits all his companions. How can you see her, when she's stuck in a parallel universe? I'd thought of cutting to her and Doctor #2, the blue-suit Doctor, in their parallel world, sort of realising that the original Doctor is dying, feeling it somehow... but what are they doing? Building another TARDIS? Living with Jackie and Pete? Travelling the wilds? Should Rose have a baby? Whichever way you look at it, that's an odd scene, and distracting. But on Wednesday night, I realised how to do it... and I'm not telling you, ha ha ha!
So, yeah, this is pretty much every TenII/Rose fic ever written almost making it to cannon but not quite, not to say that that is wrong, just... humorous.

I saw a lot of discussion about this after it came out, some in favor, some not so much, and I finally decided to give into my inner blogger and write on it. So I started thinking about it, and will probably come out of this sounding like a bit of a hypocrite, but what can I say? My personal cannon changes almost daily.

Here's what I came up with:

1: Rose and any version of the Doctor married is probably never going to happen. Unless they're both completely sloshed and he pulls a Queen Elizabeth (EoTP1 reference there). I just can't see the Doctor being able to commit that fully even when he is half-human, after all, he's still the timelord we know and love, just with a little extra weirdness thrown in for good measure. I just don't think marriage is quite in his nature. However, he did get engaged during his first regeneration and didn't seem that upset about it after the initial shock wore off... so IDK.

2: RTD is a D/R shipper... they are together, and they are happy, case closed. There is an extraordinary amount of angst that they have to sort through before anything like that will ever happen, but still... (ergo anything can happen)

3: Children if any, will occur again only when drunk, and/or because the Doctor doesn't know what a condom is or how to use it. My opinion is that yes, it does happen eventually, but the Doctor needs a refresher in human mating and a reminder of how he is indeed part human now, to be able to believe it. Then I think more angst and stuff ensues. Afterward, once he knows what a condom is and how to use it I think he goes "fuck it, I've already got one," and he and Rose shag like bunnies. He was a dad once before remember? And I don't think the situation on Gallifrey was quite as complicated as some authors make it out to be (though it does make some pretty great fic). I mean after all, the Doctor did have a part-human mother (according to Eight), and One did have a close relationship with a human woman in the Aztec episodes (I completely forget what they're called). So I don't think the conditions on Gallifrey were quite so repressive, but to each his own, I still enjoy reading all the stuff that people come up with for reasons why the Doctor was asexual for a long time. Anyway, that is why I think the Doctor wouldn't be completely opposed to becoming a father again. Since he is human now, and only has one life to live the adventure he could never have, I think he'd jump in head first at ever opportunity and want every little experience he could get.

4: Building another TARDIS, yes that does happen. RTD specifically gave the fans permission to use that bit of the Doctor giving TenII the bit of TARDIS as cannon, so I shall.

5: Living with Jackie and Pete... I don't think that the Doctor could spend more than an afternoon in Jackie's presence and make it out with all of his limbs attached, he'd end up saying or doing something that would leave Pete restraining her and Rose standing between them... it would be hysterical, I just don't think they would be able to live like that.

6: Traveling the wilds: ...well what else would they be doing? The Doctor's not going to lose his wanderlust no matter how human you make him, and Rose is going to skip along right with him.

7: My point? Beats me.

You know... I'm beginning to think that either RTD reads our stuff or a lot of other people share his brain... which is a very scary thought whichever way you look at it...

Anyway, you know what, just because it is or isn't cannon doesn't make it not fun to write about. I love reading baby!fics, and post Journey's End fics as much as the next person, what makes it into cannon is where we get our ideas, and you know what? It shows... RTD was thinking of the same outcomes we did ages ago, which only gives credit to the numerous authors in our lovely little fandom: we were thinking the same way the executive producer/writer did! So, just keep writing, if someone doesn't like the outcome or idea or plot, than tough. They don't have to read it.  Other people may like it.

On a completely different note, I'm really excited for Saturday/Sunday... whenever I am successful in my hunt for a way to watch the series 5 premiere. (I don't get BBC America where I am... T_T (five and half more months and I'm in Edinburgh! Then I shall be able to watch on Saturdays... on a TV.)) I really like the new companion so far, Smith looks entertaining if not promising, (though Ten will always be my Doctor) and Moffat really is an entertaining writer when you look at the episodes... he created CAPTAIN JACK FLIPPIN' HARKNESS for crying out loud! So yes, I will be a disloyal RTD fan and enjoy the new season, despite a lack of David Tennant or Billie Piper. Oh, come on the previews look cool... except for the sonic... it's just weird now...

I don't know if any of this makes sense, or if this was a complete waste of time for you. I'm sorry if it was. I know it was a complete procrastination on my part.

Alright, I'm done now. Go back to whatever it was that you were doing, I'm working on two ficlets... possibly more, and the next chapter of The Snow Queen, they'll be up when they're ready.

tenii, doctor who, rose, commentary, doctor

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