(no subject)

Mar 09, 2004 04:40

hmm lets see theres a lot going on but I don't want to write to much. Um I have been walking a lot lately and throually fucked up my knee, but am I staying off it? Nope. Althoguh last night I did because I was in so much pain it was bad. Today I didn't walk as far, but i figure the muscles aren't use to it so make them use to it. The bad thing about the exercise is i'm on my period *evil pout because I am on the pill but still a week early* and I normally binge eat on my period. I haven't been that bad on the junk food though, I have been forcing myself to go for the vegitables adn fruits though

I got the new one a day multi vitamin weight smart thingie. It has green tea which helps increase ones metabolism I guess. I figured it was worth the try. Bad thing is I think I might have to mix it with food becuase several mornings I have been so sick to my stomach I am amazed I didn't acctually throw up. Thats the only thing that has really changed about my mornings so I am thinking its that. I told my mom about the nausea in the morning. She claims I am pregnant. She calls it "Sympathy Pregnancy" Prolly because I have been kinda bitching because everyones pregnant. I know about 5 people, 2 online and mainly random people that are acquantences I have met once or twice through people. One is a co-worker that I love dearly though (poor thing is 3mos and on bedrest). Sad part is I feel jealous. I don't want the baby as much as I want to go through the pregnancy and just see what its like. Although I wouldn't mind a kid to mold as I see fit. *evil smirk*

I have been slacking on the job search *smacks my hand* I dunno, I could prolly ramble forever, but I dont wnat to. I am tired and have to be up in 4 hours for work.
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