soooo i'm fed up with victoria's secret. today i got in trouble because a girl asked me to cover her hours for her and she didn't tell the manager. for the 4th week in a row i was scheduled to work during my classes in Philly, times when i told them i was NEVER avaliable. i have left the manager notes to this effect 3 times (not including when i was first hired). but apparently it's my responsibility to get someone to cover these hours for me. and oh yeah, did i mention they still haven't given me a phone list so i can contact any of the other employees? and i'm tired of this "on call" crap. i have to keep my entire day free so i can call an hour before i'm scheduled to work to see whether or not they want me to come in. that is bull shit.
i was only scheduled for 8 hours this week and on call for 4 to start with. now i only am actually working for 4 and then i'm still on call from 4 to 8 on saturday. BULL SHIT.
And Melanie really really made me angry/hurt today. We get along so well then all of a sudden out of the blue she will pull this condescending patronizing attitude out towards me and it really pisses me off. I was fuming about the schedule being screwed up again and she started in with all this "oh, i'll talk to Joy (the manager) for you! please it'll take five minutes. why don't i ask her if she will schedule you for more hours? why don't i tell her what happened? it's no big deal. maybe i should ask her. Or i can go ask Jerry (the floor manager) right now! i've never had a problem like that, for some reason they've been scheduling me for a crazy amount of hours recently. the other day joy called me and said they were short handed so she would pay me time and a half to come in and work! unfortunately i was busy with my job at the governors. Here's what you need to do, every couple of days make a really big sale, like around 600 dollars. thats what i do to make sure they schedule me more. Tomorrow I'LL talk to Joy and see what I can do for you!"
I was just like no melanie, thank you very much but i can take care of my own problems contrary to what you seem to think. i am just as capable of talking to Joy as you are and all i can do is go on selling like i have been. And Jerry is standing right there in front of me, it's not as if i suddenly stopped speaking english so why the hell would i need you to do it for me? last time i checked i was a legal adult too, same as you.
and you have to consider this along with the fact that she is constantly complaining about having a boyfriend who loves her and wants to marry her one day because she "wanted to have hookups and flings. that's what college is supposed to be about, having fun and meeting a lot of different guys. But noooo i had to meet someone i love and could spend the rest of my life with right away!"
And almost all she talks about is her boyfriend. and what their kids will be named. and what their wedding will be like. and how their careers will work and mesh together. and how they are going to have an apartment in NYC, a house in the Hamptons and his dad's estate in Virginia. and how many people they will invite to the wedding. and where they will go for the honeymoon. and how many kids she wants. and what type of mom she will be. and what type of dad he will be. and how long should she wait to get engaged. and how long should she wait to get married. and what if they had to live in virginia away from all her italian family in NJ. and how she can't wait to see him again in september. and how she wore his big leather coat all fall and winter. and how he is so good at salsa dancing. and how he she's hoping she can get him to like showtunes one day. and what being pregnant would be like. and how long she would be able to get for maternity leave. and when they last talked or e-mailed, and what they last talked or e-mailed about. and when she thinks she will next talk to him.
and i love the girl to death but really it gets OLD. we used to hang out all the time and she didn't have a boyfriend to dominate the conversation and we always found something to talk about. even when she went out with shawn it wasn't like this. what the hell is up with that? As dorky as it sounds it really makes me think of that sex and the city episode where miranda gets all mad because she doesn't understand how 4 intelligent, independant women can't find anything except guys to talk about.
so anyway, I am compliling a list of places to that i might apply to work at in Princeton. I plan to quit Victoria's Secret as soon as i get hired somewhere else (bold indicates i alreay filled out an app):
1. Halo Pub
2. Bon Apetite (there was a really cute tall guy who i got the app from here, who said he goes to rider so after my whole feminist rant up there i admit it is hypocritical but i am kind of rooting for a job here)
3. Gap
4. Banana Republic
5. Jazaams
6. Micawber Books
7. Origins
8. Bucks County Coffee
9. J. Crew
10. Dandelion
i'm gonna bring my bike with me to college! it'll be fun. i'll be like mark in rent! to retalliate against mel constantly talking about her house in the hamptons i've started calling her a "suit" ("to riding your bike mid-day past the three peice suits..." yay la vie boheme!) and told her that she will become a lady who lunches (in the best possible sense).