Feb 23, 2007 15:42
What percentage are you?
(x) 50% of your friends are/were homeschooled
(x) You knew how to spell homeschool before seeing this
(x) When you were younger you wore at least one jumper or
homemade outfit
(x) You go to church/are very religious
(x) You went on field trips to the zoo with your family
Total: 5
() You took a standardized test every year (NO WAY!)
(x) You know what KONOS is
() You did geometry/high level math in elementary school (I ain't that smart)
(x) You could read when you were 4
(x) You thought PBS was the best station ever
Total: 2
(x) It takes you more than five minutes to explain where you went to school (To most non-homeschoolers)
(x) You participated in a co-op/enrichment classes
() You started taking music lessons or languages before you were 10
(x) You did/do/will do college in high school
(x) Vacation was anytime you felt like it
Total: 4
(x) School got out when you finished your work
(x) You always wanted to go to the library
(x ) You were mystified when you heard about “hall passes"
() You have multiple siblings
() You graduated/will graduate high school early
Total: 3
(x) You don’t watch a whole lot of TV
() You/your family dress very conservatively (Depends on how you define "conservatively")
() You’ve been to the homeschooling store
Total: 1
(x) You knew there was such a thing as a homeschooling store
(x) You've never been expelled or put on probation
(x) You can cook
(x) You're a lot like your parents
Total: 4
Multiply your score by 4, and repost saying: I'm _% homeschooled
I am 80% homeschooled!