Jun 08, 2007 09:41
okay guys...so i havent updated recently, but..its my 21st bday in 23 DAYS!!!
23 days mothafucka!! so i wanna treat myself to something really cool and really....out of the ordinary to celebrate my becoming legal! but i need a lil help from my friends-->
I've always wanted my nose pierced....but i also want my own water pipe (i know im a pothead...i didnt wanna admit it before but now i am coming out of the closet: I AM A POTHEAD AND FUCKIN PROUD BITCHES!!) so yea..i was in jamaican junction last weekend checking out water pipes...and i saw the one for me!! its BEAUTIFUL!! its yea and tall and oh so pretty...and it has beautiful artwork on it..it has a flower and a peace sign and just some really trippy looking art...the bowl that comes w/ it look even cooler cuz its so biigg!! so yea..i want it, but if anyone knows what im talking about who has experience buying these things...they are expensive...this one that im looking at is $150!!! oh i have no problem getting the money, infact i have the money for it believe it or not..but its either that or getting my nose pierced...i need your votes! cuz im so indecisive!!!
1. Waterpipe
2. Nose pierced