- An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.
- A misconception or misunderstanding.
Ive made a lot of these, for all reasons, a lack of knowledge of what to do, carelessness for life and the effect i had on people, and surely a defective judgement because a sound mind is never sound when there are emotions involved.
Some mistakes have surely been made beacuse of misunderstandings. but each mistake i have made i must live with. because regrets are something i do not have.
the question that plauges my mind today, is what now. what to do now that this has happened. do i give up on all good. no. i overcome what disturbs me and to move past what has stopped me from doing what i love. what shall be done now instead of balancing is simply enjoying.
fuck it all.
my heart is locked in a red puma box duct taped shut