School changes, and so much more.

Apr 01, 2009 02:57

I ment to post this yesterday, but kind of forgot.

So here's the long awated update.


8:10 AM

Omygod! This week so far has been amazing!
Friday to Sunday was a bit occward between Zainul and I, but now everything is figured out. God I love him so much. Words can't describe it.

Last week was my IEP meeting for me to transfer schools from CSB to JFK high school.
It surprisingly whent well.. They sed some things like I might have some problems staying focused in school. But that I can't disagree with. I have seen it myself. But normlay that's only at CSB.
Anyhow, so on April 6th I'll begin to go to JFK full time, except for Monday and Tuesday's when I have to go back to CSB for A.P.E and mobility. Honestly though I don't mind it. At least not the mobility part. Nita my O&M instructor is hella cool.
So pretty much my scedual will go:
Block 1: English 9
Block 2: Resorce with Ms.Wong
Block 3: Math (pre-algebra 1)
and then on Monday's and Tuesday's I'll go back to CSB. On Wednesday's, Thursday's, and Friday's, I'll just go home right after my 3rd block.
The reason why is going back to whair they sed in the meeting that I had some problems staying focused in school.
They think that by me only staying untill the 3rd block ends, I.E. 12:35 PM, I might stay more awake and alert.

Also, I spoke to Sarah a few days ago.. Gaaa I miss that girl sooo much! We need to hang out very soon. And Caitlin H and I are looking into hanging out this summer. Squeeeeck. I so can't wait!

Man, I love it when my life is in order. school's looking up, my friends are great, Zainul is amazing, and my family is wonderful.

I love my life, and I love it when I can say I love my life!

The only thing I'll miss about CSB though is some of the kids. Not the boys like Fernando and Reberto, but the girls like A'Laura, Arianna, and Angel.
But aside from that, I won't miss anything. Espeshaly the education.
The math is so just...Gaa, I don't know. I can't describe it. Aamad is a good teacher, but for me I need more 1 on 1 help. Luckaly in the resorse class I'll get that, sort of.

I really hope this is going to be a good change.

I think it will.

And now I'm off, gotta finish my english:
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