Borrowed from Rosie. 40 (I think. I'm bad at counting).

Mar 17, 2009 19:08

The BBC believes most people will have only read 6 of the 100 books here. How do your reading habits stack up ( Read more... )

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creper March 25 2009, 02:22:48 UTC
Also, how do you know the BBC believes this?


angelofboox March 25 2009, 02:57:20 UTC
I don't. I'm not sure I believe they do. I just took the thing from someone else.

You can lend me Catch 22; I would like to read it. There is no need to post it. I will be home on Sunday for Easter.


creper March 25 2009, 03:21:02 UTC
Would you like to meet up and do anything? We broke up yesterday. Four weeks until the hardest exams in my course, apparently. I'm worried because I haven't finished revising for one of them, let alone the other two. Like... really worried.
Like... I don't think I'm going to sleep again worried.


angelofboox March 25 2009, 05:41:34 UTC
I don't think we're meant to sleep again.

I still have this week left. And I have final crit on Thursday and coursework due Friday. The coursework is meant to be 100 hours worth of work...but I haven't started yet, and it's not very nice of them to put a coursework deadline the day after the final crit.

I have three weeks holiday but I'm away the middle week. I have lots of work to do because we have an exam when we get back and coursework due in plus I would like to do my portfolio by then so I can print it off before the deadline nears and the printing gets crazy and I need to do event month work as well but hopefully I will do it over Easter and not not do it which might happen as I always manage to leave stuff to the last minute.

I didn't sleep.


creper March 25 2009, 05:49:52 UTC
You haven't started your coursework at all? Do you have resits if you fail?

Why are you away in the middle week?

I've wasted all these hours. >.


angelofboox March 25 2009, 06:03:19 UTC
No, I have not started it at all. I don't know what happens if I fail.

I am going to Belfast to visit Will with James, my flatmate. But I don't really want to go anymore, we booked the trip spontaneously. But I have not talked to Will much as I have been very depressed recently and have been retreating to my room and also now I have a lot of work so I feel awkward even though we are usually sort of friendly.

I have wasted these hours too. I fail at model making.


creper March 25 2009, 06:09:55 UTC
Will you have exams to prepare for? In which case you should probably revise instead of traipsing around Belfast for a week.

Otherwise, go. The awkwardness should disappear soon enough if you're usually friendly.


angelofboox March 25 2009, 06:14:53 UTC
I have one exam and much coursework. I already have tickets. I will be in Belfast for 3 days. So I am away for 4 days altogether because I am coming to Manchester the day before leaving (so I can catch the plane with James from here) and also so I can have my counselling and see Niall.


creper March 25 2009, 06:43:33 UTC
It's not something I'd do, but I am a big worrier when it comes to exams.
You could give up the tickets now and have a degree later. =P


angelofboox March 25 2009, 07:38:18 UTC
I don't think going to Belfast for 3 days will rob me of a degree. I prefer not to worry if I can help it.

I wouldn't study for exams anyway, I'm sure you know that.


creper March 25 2009, 08:09:04 UTC
Yes. You say revision is an unfair/ineffective representation of knowledge, or something. Whereas I'm revising to incorporate this ridiculous amount of information as my knowledge.

If three days won't make a difference to you passing this year, you're either doing well enough or not well enough at all. =|


angelofboox March 30 2009, 23:16:36 UTC
When are you free?


creper April 1 2009, 08:15:55 UTC
Any day, except this weekend.


angelofboox April 1 2009, 13:58:13 UTC
Um...tomorrow? I'm probably going to an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts until about I'll be around Piccadilly, I think.


creper April 1 2009, 14:32:33 UTC
Sure. What time?


angelofboox April 1 2009, 19:35:40 UTC
Um...I dunno, 10 or 11 or so? When/where would you like to meet?


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