Back from France! Germany next!

Nov 07, 2010 11:25

So, I went on a small roadtrip with my boyfriend to France. It was rather random and unprepared.
We bought a GPS the day before leaving and packed our bag an hour before starting the car engine.

Pictures are from -> Jeankes <- do visit his page!

We visited Normandy and brittagne. There where some magnificent sights to be seen and lots and lots of fugly hotel rooms. And also the food is rather difficult to find with a decent standard. So before leaving we also bought a michelin guide of France.

Upon arriving in Rouen, Apparently it was the village/ city where they tortured and burned the great Jean of Arc. I was rather surprised to find that out. Although she was burned in the 15th century it was only in the late 19th that she was declared saint. Apparently you need 2 parts of the body to be declared as holy. But the duke who wanted Joanne burned ordered her ashes to be thrown in the local river so this could never happen. Now there is a new fancy church (very modern) built next to the so called burning place of Joanne.

We stayed at a local Ibis hotel which was clean and had parking for 5 euro's a day. We also went to local restaurant which had the best food ever! When I go to an eating establishment I ask for few things. First, a clean place, no smoking, thank you. Second, I want fast and polite serving. I don't need to be in a place to "experience" the awesomeness of the place. I want food! Then decent food. Just a chef who makes food serves it as simple as possible. I don't want fancy schmancy plates with little holes in it with food split in different heapes. I just want good food and enough of it. Good food can be found, but mostly it is in rather small portions.
We left the next day to the Mont-Saint-Michel.

This was the most breathtaking place ever!

It was like being in one of those fantasy games. On the horizon is this outline of this exotic building and next to it is nothing to hide it. It was from kilometers away that we saw it. It came closer and got more detail. The entire drive was already a nice experience. I never felt so enthralled and surprised as with this monument. It is really worth the visit!

Afterwards we left for Saint Malo. it was rather funny,It is this walled little well, village on a small archipelago. It was a tourist trap in its whole. Few people actually lived there. And everywhere where they didn't have parking for your car they say: "ow but parking is free now on the street it's evening". yes but what of the paring meters in the morning? "oh, you just toss in some coins? I don't know?" Most French hotel owners and locals don't have this problem, although you should visit France with a vehicle because it's so fricking big. But parking is rather expensive then. We stayed until morning did a tour of the wall and left for Nantes. Will update this in a second journal.
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