taming the little ones and sick

Oct 10, 2010 14:31

So I had a rather busy weekend, I hope this sunday it will be calmer than usual.

I was ill this week, had the flue this monday but got it under control wensdayinsh, But the flue had a friend with him, namely a very nasty cough. I still have it and it bugs me horribly.  Yesterday I played a concert with it. But got true without too much problems. It's still there though.

And yesterday I went to visit my parents with my boyfriend. Went to see the house of my grandfather. I'm kind of proud on what my parents accomplished with the thing. It went from inhabitable old  people's museum to a clean and liveable house. Took a developing kit with us to develop black and white film. (yay now I have something where I can decently dye my papers for my book! And my BF saw the biggest eclairs in his life :P He was like, wow, shouldn't those be like 2cm wide and have the minimum of the minimum of chocolate and filling? well guess Limburg still has some surprises for him. It's kind of cute. He did like it a lot in any way :)

On Friday it was time again to tame the little ones. I finally got to subdue the second year. I had a lesson that week about awareness and managing and stuff. And I noticed that I had to let go and give the kids some freedom. And for some reason it worked on the most difficult class I had. They worked the entire lesson with me. I was kindly surprised. The thing I did was quite simple. Last lesson we learned a little song with some body percussion parts. So I laid out the little instruments and told them they could experiment with the sound to see what fitted in the song to replace the body percussion parts. Although one of my kazoos broke... One of my first years stopped. She has a difficult karakter, but I do wish her and her parents a lot of luck with her other hobbies that she will find things she likes.

Ow well, I'm off to rest a bit more do some non laboring homework! And hopefully finish my Halloween pic of pearl and aiko
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