feeling creative and other things

Sep 21, 2010 22:28

Well just a blabber journal to tell random stuff.

a week ago my Ipod died. I suspect it's one of those programmed deaths. I'm going to let my brother take a look at it. The battery is so calledly gone. It doesn't charge anymore. Wait and see. But since I have a car or take the bike I don't use it anymore. It's too dangerous to take the bike and listen to music, the traffic is kind of dangerous.

Last weekend was hectic. I agreed a month before it with my mom to help her with a garage sale to finally sell some of the stuff my grandfather left us. I'm speaking of ugly paintings worth nothing, one of the hundred drinking glasses and little trinkets he had collected on his many travels. A cewl note on this is that I found 2 old clocks with perfect working steampunky grids or how do you call those little wheels with teeth in them? So found 2 of them. Is nice. just boring to be there because it was poorly organized. it was as if the entire town was doing a garage sale. So people stopped by with their car or bicycle. Never in my life did I see so many people use their backwards driving gear that fast and precise. Oh well it got old fast. I even got to hear servo-croation. they said dobrah, and according to my dad it's servo-croatian. A lot of non-belgian came along. It was like they smelled a yards sale from kilometers away. And they are there only for your copper, old iron and other things you can sell for more money after you've ripped off the person from the garage sale. They are always quite moody and rude. But oh well. they are quite fast gone too.

My car broke down last week. That was a major bummer. My cooling grid was broken. Well it broke from old age. Let just put it like that. And finally the insurance my dad has from the beginning of the old days is finally used properly. The guy from the towing company came by after a delay of an hour. But was very friendly! After much discussion and thinking I decided to let my car be town to my usual garage, some 60 kilometers further. It payed off. My car was fixed in 2 days and for free. My other option was towing my car 1 kilometer further to the garage at IJzer in Brussels. close my car, hope it didn't get stolen during the night. Get back there at 8 o'clock in the morning to tell those people that my car needed fixing and wait for 3 weeks until they might have felt the need to scratch their but at my car to see what would be possibly wrong. So yes it was quite worth it.

While my car got fixed in time, I could go and give my usual solfege lesson. The kids are loving it. They are working with me. But everything goes sooooo slow. I needed 2 lessons to explain the mesure 2/4 and the sol, mi, 2 eight notes and a fourth note. My third year is well not a complete moron. But can do less than my second years. And I am feeling that 1 hour a week is not enough. In the academy they get 2 hours and half to train those kids. But at least they think my lessons are fun. At least I try to teach them things with which they can develop themselves later on. Like good feeling for mesure and beat. Correctnes and steadyness in reading notes and ritems.

Then, yesterday. it was the opening day or the big bazaar as they correctly called it. My school started. I had everything planned out. how many points what courses everything. So in the morning I found all of my courses and told the people of the secretary that my 12 points for free choice where going to my teachers education thing. they where okay. So, in the afternoon I come there want to take up the 12 points for the 3 remaining courses for that year. So I finally finish the theoretical part of the teachers education. Says the guy in charge, sorry but, you can't take that course. I'm like, what? but I can take up 30 points in total. What am I going to do with those last 3 points? It says so in your brochure! then he looks at my like, why don't you understand? and just says that I can't take the course until I do my practical part. What the F*ing hell! I was quite pissed. I went to the secretary, and told my problem. Apparently I'm the first person to encounter the problem, oh lucky me. Luckily for me I have to be there a year longer than normal. So I could postpone those 3 credits to next year. man, you morons. But everything is okay now. It's getting paid, I have to pay less. and my ticket for this year is prolonged for public transport.

And I'm feeling creative but am Quite busy with preparing my lessons for my solfege children and school work.
Hope to update soon with some drawings I did make but didn't scan yet.
I really need to practise some smootching with pearl and drake. I want them smootchin! dammit
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