Adel had been defeated, and Ellone rescued. The present danger had subsided, although the specter of Ultimecia -- the Sorceress from the future, who had been pulling strings and possessing minds -- had not departed. And in the meantime, there were lots of doctors, nurses and healers annoying the crap out of the Fandomites.
Sick Bay: Jono and Raven )
She leaned against the wall in the waiting room and smiled at Squall and his new friends. He always did manage to inspire people to follow him, wherever he went.
Rinoa got kidnapped a lot. It was like she was Dawn or something.
It was obvious that Rinoa wasn't going away, and that Squall was never going to care for her the way she wanted him to, so she would try to stifle her jealousy and be Rinoa's friend. She gave Rinoa a hesitant but reassuring half-smile.
And that was going to bother her, yes.
"You should have seen him," she said, shivering. "He hadn't even thought to ask for back-up. He wasn't thinking, just ... reacting. He needed to get Ellone back."
"I've seen him like that before," Quistis pointed out. He got like that over Rinoa. And not her. It hurt a little.
"...What do you mean, she wouldn't have woken up?" she asked, picking up on what Rinoa had said. "I haven't gotten a full briefing on what happened, yet."
And to be fair, Quistis had never really been abducted by evil forces or anything.
Rinoa looked sheepish and hugged her knees. "We got Ellone out," she said. "Fujin and Raijin gave her to us, if we promised to help Seifer."
Who was apparently here, but Quistis didn't feel the need to tell anybody. Then again, people might be upset. It was hard to blame her.
"But... Adel was still frozen at the time? Seifer had been acting on his own?"
Which meant that Ultimecia could do at least some things without an awake Sorceress to puppet. Which was a scary thought.
It was occurring to Rinoa that Quistis might well give her the lecture she'd been anticipating all morning, and that she might not be anticipating it after all.
"So we went to confront him, to see if we could talk him down, but he was ... too far gone."
And now he was back to his old self. Maybe she could try to teach him anew.
"Too far gone?" Quistis asked. "Or too stubborn?" Once Seifer had made a wrongheaded decision, he usually stuck to it.
And here. Quistis would get to see exactly how unprofessional Rinoa was. It was a good thing she'd never been a SeeD.
"For him, I mean. And he refused to give in. He was bleeding, and he slumped against the wall -- he dropped his gunblade. And I ... screamed."
She looked at Rinoa with an unreadable expression, not even sure herself what she was feeling. "Thank you," she said.
One she could still feel, if she closed her eyes and focused.
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