Rinoa was curled up against Squall, not bothering to wake up just yet. They'd had a lovely picnic last night with
Karla and Warren, albeit unexpectedly, and there were no classes today. She really ought to be working on her political science homework, but she --
And that was when the realization hit her. Rinoa sat bolt upright, panic flooding her veins. It couldn't be. It wasn't.
But it was.
Her sorcery was gone. The entire side of herself was -- missing. There was just a hole where that bit of her soul should be.
Rinoa opened her mouth, but couldn't speak. So instead she reached a hand out to flail in Squall's direction, helplessly. What could have taken her powers? Who? How?
(For her Knight, but open if anyone else wants to call / visit. Rinoa lost her Sorceress abilities and gained -- you'll see. :) )