It was Saturday night. She'd been here a week without checking in. Conveniently, she had so very handwavily found a store to sell her a computer -- wireless, they said, which was confusing but she liked it.
So now she had no excuse not to e-mail Quistis and ... no, scratch that, Quistis didn't exactly like her. She didn't take it personally. She figured most of that had to do with the sulky dark-haired boy who'd declared himself her Knight.
Selphie, on the other hand? Selphie would appreciate the gossip. Especially if she started with the most important part.
I don't know how he got signed up for it, but I snooped and saw his schedule. It's called "Dating, Hooking Up and Sex." I can't imagine how much he glared at everyone for that.
took a shuttle here and
met all sorts of
people who were
also coming to the
school. Then we got to the
picnic, where I met
even more
new people (new for me -- they were already at the school for a while).
Most of
them are from
places I've
never heard of, and they don't know anything about Galbadia or Timber. They even stare at me funny when I say I'm a sorceress!
I was assigned a '
big sib' who apparently knows Squall -- he's going to teach here one day! Isn't that wild? -- and
my roommate is very nice. There's an awesome library here but I haven't spent much time there. I've been going to classes and I even got myself a computer so I can check in with everyone.
How is everyone adjusting? Has Esthar been attacking? Is there anything new I should know? Is anyone upset at Squall for leaving? I didn't know he was coming with me. I mean, I saw him, but I figured he was just escorting me there, not that he'd stay. You know how stubborn he gets.
E-mail back soon, okay? I want to know everything that's going on. Especially concerning Adel.
She had left a few details out. Her friends said they were okay with her being a sorceress, and maybe they were. That didn't mean they'd
want to
know about the
Magic Reserves, or that she'd met a
boy with wings just like hers. Best not to push her luck.
Rinoa typed her name, hit Send, and began composing an e-mail to Zone. Something way more professional, hopefully. The Forest Owls weren't going to just give up.
Angelo was asleep on the foot of her bed, and the door was open.
(will be linkdroppy as hell once I edit those in. yyyyyup, links ahoy! all squall-mods (like finding his schedule) were permitted by the mun. also open!)