Nov 27, 2004 00:08
As promised in my xanga, some poetry. If you want to know what's actually going on, you gotta check the xanga.
There's actually a story that goes with this one, but... it's having a hard time deciding its plot. So here goes...
Mercifully falling out of heaven's reach...
The shimmering crystal...
Obsidian from the start...
Broken on rocks as white as their birthrights...
And staining them.
Obviously I was not meant for their glory;
Obviously they do not know what they have done;
To me or to themselves, for if they knew...
They would never have dared to send me here.
Where are you, Azrael?
I know you can hear me...
I'll find you soon enough...
But wouldn't it be better if you came to me?
Are you listening, Lover?
I've followed in your footsteps...
And... another one!
This one's just some lyrics I'm working on...
Bled dry again
To paint the roses darkest red,
I want to dip them
In your black blood:
Make them us,
A meeting of souls
Here in this darkened room;
I am lying exhausted
In your arms,
Smile at me Love,
Tell me that it's still alright,
That those flowers are telling the truth,
That the blood on the floor doesn't matter,
That you'll save me.
Lift me higher, into a softer light,
With pinpoint diamonds all around;
I'll stay here with you forever.
So there... that's all! Enjoy, comment, praise, flame, whatever!