I have no words... because a picture is worth a thousand I'll shut up. But coming soon is my thesis is on why New Orleans was left to rot. (Hint it has something to do with it being a welfare state and 70% black).
I want to assure you that my roommate from New Orleans has found that her family is alive and safe.
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Children are dying. Children are dying. Children are dying. Children are dying.
Old people are dying.
Young people are dying.
Black people are dying.
They're crying out for someone to help them and no one will. No one. And when they do help it's not enough and it's too little to late.
Children are dying.
People were told to go to this place to be safe and were in more danger there. People were told that they should go in to find help and were LOCKED INSIDE. It's a concentration camp. It's an internment camp. It's a slave ship.
Black people want to know why. So if you think that his comment is idiotic, it's because it's not close enough to home for you.
I didn't disagree with his comment. The end.
I think Summer is just too cynical to think that he was saying those things for the right reasons. People want to believe that comments are made like that to sell records and stir up controversy, its easier than accepting that maybe his opinion is valid. Shit, Members of the Bush Administration walked out of the World Racism conference in South Africa years ago. He doesn't care about black people. period.
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