First Day of School

Aug 23, 2005 03:33

Today was the first day of school.

I was so relieved that band is over. Band is very taxing now and I really don’t care for it anymore. I’m tired of the routine, I’m tired of the people, I guess I don’t have the discipline because everything involved in it annoys the shit out of me lately. I think I may be PMSing because I really have the urge to take someone scream at them then have make up sex for no particular reason… and this is coming from a pretty laid back virgin so… you know the chemicals have to be getting to me on some level lol.

Today I went through a lot of shit trying to get to Arts and Humanities II and I completely missed Techniques of Critical Writing (I misread the paper that said when the class started). For A&H I went from the Com building to a room that didn’t exist, to one that was teaching a Spanish class, to the music building, where I had to go two floors up to go one floor down to cross a bridge to make it to the room (which was locked w/ choir students), then I read a sign that said to go back to the Com building to be twenty minutes late for class. I passed Dr. Ellis and she told me I needed to get to class because I was quoth the Ellis, “Fucking up.” It certainly did get me in gear, though, and heartened me to push my way to the back of the class, as embarrassed as I was. I think I really will enjoy the class-it’s apparently the “black experience” version of Arts and Humanities and I’m ready for action.

Anyway, I went to my first Brit Lit class. The teacher already likes me and has confidence in me. I’m pleased because she’s a grad teacher that teaches all her classes like grad classes. A woman told me before she arrived that she was extra hard-I certainly have never been challenged in English before so I’m pleased at the prospect that there will be something that will test me and help me become a better writer.

Tomorrow I have two more classes-I’ve forgotten the name of the first but the second is Creative Writing Prose. It’ll be my first writing class EVER. I’m thrilled but really scared I won’t do well. I’m thinking of quitting RPing for good. I really don’t have time.

I talked to Harvey for a long time about some issues I was having. He’s a really helpful guy to know. I just need to get to know some other people on the yard better. I need to network because if I don’t I won’t get the things I want. Well I need to get to sleep now, it’s not that I’m tired, or that I need to get ready for class (I’m running on nerves as of now) it’s just that I have to braid up the puff before I go to bed so it can be cute for tomorrow. Also because I haven’t picked out my clothes for tomorrow either.
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