Jun 01, 2011 02:24
It appears I'm aimlessly drifting through the internet, again, looking perhaps for something of meaning or value in a day that was fine on all accounts but felt full of the feeling of disconnection.
Frankly I've been through quite a bit in these last few years and most of it will go on as unresolved living, the stuff that most of us can't help but do.
I've always been sort of jealous of those doing the improv of life, skillfully, without the cerebral neuroticism of trying to plan every detail. Those that are aware that the execution is generally more important than the script and we're making it up as we go along.
I'm to the point in life where I'm pretty secure in the flaws I have, many hand picked so as to afford the ideals I hold dear. While I've discarded some, I've gained others. This is the process of living.
These days I tend not to stress or judge most things, even the things I generally find quite distasteful - that's never really gotten me anywhere anyway. Though I can't seem to be troubled to make a stink about things, because, well so much of it really doesn't matter. Now bear with me a moment because I'm not being nihilistic - just practical.
Nobody is going to remember (or care really) what you wore today, possibly even most of what you said, yet we go to excruciating lengths sometimes on the account of things like this. We preen and posture, muse and ramble.
It's all very simple really. We want people to look at us and to think we have value, to express that value to us or others, to love us, and to think we are special. But more than anything we want to have that be true of people we personally think and feel that way about.
It's easy to like, care, or even love someone that has traits that you value (because of the fact that you value those things, it's self affirming.)
What's much harder?
Caring for or loving someone that has traits that you greatly dislike.
By finding that acceptance and love to be greater than your own interests you show a capacity for real, unfettered, unconditional love. Something few of us are truly capable of.