One man can't make *everything* better, many men and women working together for change have a fighting chance.
If nothing else is prescient in the hearts and minds this day, that I hope will be it.
I have had very little faith in my government for my entire life. I have watched trickery, deceit, and corruption rule.
I could not imagine 4 years ago an America so duped that they would re-elect one of the nations worst presidents in history. I ached. It hurt to see such clear stupidity, fear, or greed drive America further down a terrible dark alley.
Four years ago, we, the dissenters knew things would get far, far, worse (if you recall they were already pretty terrible). America slipped out of supporting Bush fairly quickly into his second term and he never recovered
his popularity. There's a very good reason. He was/is a terrible president.
It is clear to me, for the first time, that America can react, reasonably, with higher intelligence - for good, for change.
That we did not fail a second time to distance ourselves with "Bushite" policy or policy supporters is at least to me notable.
Lest us not forget that McCain was beaten by Bush for the nomination 8 years ago and then went on to vote
90+% of the time with Bush. I find it telling that the best the Republican party could find in 8 years was someone they had said was not good enough before.
America was able to see the things that our new president elect brings to the table and able to see the correlation between Bush & McCain. That signifies higher intelligence as a culture. It gives me hope and serenity for our future one where we together do indeed prosper.
Love and Peace.