LJ Entry
Well, there has been a rather large influx of LJ Friends in the past oh, I don’t remember how long. I’ve been meaning to do this especially, as an elongated introduction to those people I’ve only just met. And this is to remind people of who that random person in their Friends Lists is; since I don’t necessarily use the LJ.
I'm a 22 year old, senior in college. I like long walks on the beach, Harry Potter, RolePlaying, Sci-Fi, and music. I'm an importer of international music, mostly Japanese progressive and shibuya mostly nowadays. I read horror and psychological stuff. I love Sci-Fi. And yes, B5 is better than Star Trek. I love Political Movies. Oh did I mention I'm a Political Scientist and student of the International Studies? No, eh? I'm a LARPer, mostly white-wolf stuff... other stuff takes up too much of my time for the most part Vampire and Werewolf right now... My favorite game is Mage. I don't drive either... Some liken me to a shark. I think I'm more of a cuddly quetzacotl--I'm cuter and I can still bite your face off... Teehee. I grew up in the inner city, and went to high-school in the affluent suburbs (and took public trans back home to said inner city). I rarely take crap. I own the cutest
dog in the world. I like logic rather than emotion. But, I do feel too. Contrary to popular myth. They don't allow enough interests on LJ...
Some of you may know me from
hogwarts_elite. I’m that darned Ravenclaw. This is just to say; “Hi” I know you’re there. I’m just kind of pointing you all into the direction of stalking me. You guys are awesome. So, we going to win that house cup again this term or what? Welcome to my journal. Now, lemme shimmy you over to the blog...
(And Everyone Else…somehow)
For those of you, who I know from the Vampire and/or Werewolf LARPs, welcome to the journal ‘de Dianna. I’m pretty much you’re average 21 year old (OMG I’m almost 22). You’ll really only keep up with me on my web-log. I’ll get to that in a second. Don’t worry though, I do read the Friends List obsessively and I do enjoy making icons. It’s not that I have checked out of LJ, because I don’t post on it.
So, if you haven’t noticed, I post every so often on this here journal, when I want to get something out to as many people as possible. I have a blog for everything else though. I’ve had it since I was 17 years old, so I’m not really keen on leaving it. Though, I may move it to a WordPress server soon, but, it works fine on Pitas. Call me stubborn, but whatever. I welcome IMs from anyone as long as they put the following in the line (if, you’ve never IMed me before) [Hi, my name is XX and I’m an LJ friend from (Something community or whatever)] I promise I won’t bite.
Birds (the Blog)-this is where I do my real rambling and ruminations. I have a comments box too, don’t make it too long HaloScan has a limit you know.
Punditocracy (the Political Blog)-needs to be updated like whoa.
Plastic Halo (the Music Blog)-see above
I have to check on my pages… I’ve been having some server issues.
Instant Messanger Program Stuffage>
AIM/Y!M: AngelNoMoon
ICQ: 210762907
MSN: Dvazquez AT Hartford DOT Edu
I’ll link to this a couple of times a year. And if there is a major shift, I’ll rewrite it. Welcomes, where is that drug called caffeine?