I was born in Ft.Robinson,Nebraska on August 26, 1927.
Ft. Robinson was a Calvary Post.
All the soldiers rode horses, and I remember them horses being beautiful.
Was sharing with Ramona,about my childhood and what it was like and what I remember.
I was remembering about the year(1932), the famous aviators child was kidnapped.
During that time, my father(Slim Packard) had the only Zenith radio and that is how they listened to the news.
I remember listening to this on the radio, when I was about 5 years old.
Here was the story, I listened to.
http://www.fbi.gov/libref/historic/famcases/lindber/lindbernew.htm All the neighbors ,gathered at our place, to listen to the execution.
My Daddy(Elmer Bruce*Slim*) & Mother( Elfreda Belle Baker - Packard) were the only ones to own a radio.
We were living on a homestead near Lance Creek, Wyoming out in the boon docks.
The government had land and acreage ,that if you built a house on and lived for so many years and the government would deed it to you free.
Was far out and no utilities at all, and had kerosene lamps for light.
No bathrooms just outdoor toilets, which she remembers being afraid to go out to after dark and would have my Mother go with me.
We had a stove that you burned wood in and the old potbellied heater in the middle of the house.
Our homestead house had no separate rooms just one big one.
Wyoming had alot of coal ,so we would go get coal for the pot belly stove and it would really get hot, if got too much coal in it it, would turn red hot.
My Mother always had a big garden for our food and raised everything, I remember an whole acre of watermelons and that was a treat. We had cows for milk and once in awhile would butcher one of them for meat.
We had a cellar dug out in the hill and it was always cool to keep our vegetables and would have lOO # bags of potatatoes. She used to make saurkraut and lots of pickles and even canned our meat like chickens and pork sausage and beef, so actually it was a pretty good living just lots of work.
My Dad had a well drilled and it furnished our water for drinking and irrigating the garden.
Both of my Grandfathers died out there,my Mothers Father ,had Rocky Mountain Spotted fever and in those days didnot know how to doctor it, and my Fathers Dad died of a heart attack.
So my Father and Mother had to take care of both of the widows also besides ours.
The winters used to be be horrible as so cold and snowy, I had lots of bad memories of these hard winters and said I would never live in Wyoming again; of course this was just a childhood memory as every one did survive.
Then when I was about 10 years old we left the home stead and moved back to town in Crawford, Nebraska. I have some good memories of this and every one was much happier. Enough for now and when I think of some more ,Iwill tell about it also.
I also remember, the 1st time I owned a TV , it was 1956.
I remember,the 1st Jimmy Dean sausage commercial.