This excerpt from an email I wrote to Bethany is the best way to get across how today's been going:
Oh my God, I just got home from work, and let me tell you--it was a special day at the OD [Office Depot]. First, I couldn't find a check for $107, [...] then I found a styrofoam coffee cup in the recycling bin where we keep the old ink and toner cartridges, and then I found a dirty black sock in the aisle where the manila envelopes are kept. Yes, just one. THEN--get this!--my manager, Michael, comes to the front of the store with this horrified expression on his face. It turns out some woman in a wheelchair had gone back into the receiving area, where all of our freight comes in, and taken off her pink underwear (her WORN pink underwear, mind you) and left them near the trash compactor--where Michael, not knowing what they were, proceeded to PICK THEM UP. Can you believe that?! Who leaves UNDERWEAR at an office supply store? Especially in the very back of an office supply store? ... I am not making this up! I couldn't make something like that up!
In other news:
+12 days till Pennsylvania (praise Allah); 16 days until Bethany's bridal shower. Eeep!
+I am obsessed--obsessed!--with Project Runway and would very much like a job at a fashion magazine.
+No news on the job front (speaking of), but I've been sending out batches of resumes and am hopeful something good will come along.
+Everyone I know is sick; I'm praying that I don't catch this random flu that's going around.
+Stetson sent me a check for $90 today--it must be for hours I worked in the Writing Center last semester, but I thought I'd "collected" all of my money from that job already. But hey--$90 is $90 and I'll take that any day.
+Speaking of Stetson, I FINALLY got my diploma and it's beautiful.
+And finally, because I know you care, here are some pictures of my cats (Oreo and Coco).
This one's of Oreo and Coco on my parents' bed; Oreo's licking herself (yes, lovely) and Coco was half-asleep and blinded by the flash.
Oreo sleeping under my polka-dotty covers earlier this week, on one of the nights when it was REALLY cold. So cute.
Annnddd one of me, in my white corduroy peacoat that you can't see at all, for good measure.
The end. :)