3 down, 1 to go...

May 05, 2006 22:58

Can you believe it? I'm done with my junior year in chemical (freakin) engineering :-P with a side of biochem, pain and torture, if you will... haha, ok well I do have my hardest semester coming up, with MCATs starting it off, and applications to med school to pull my hair out over.. so yeah, let's see.

um, nothing much going on. 5/5/06.. nice date.. hm.. I believe Monday is a certain special day for our family... May 8th.. I'll take any guesses you have, and you'll all be wrong as to why its special!

let's see.. going home on Sunday, back here on Friday... then research and studying and applications start like CRAAAZY.. let's see how things go down.

updates to come..

you know, I've been thinking about something of late.. there are all these people in my life.. whom I'd never met before this year, and I just have to wonder what if I had... and then others that I really am thankful I hadn't... no names will be mentioned in either case, of course...

my floor is almost all gone.. I really think I know how mom feels about that empty nest feeling.. sigh.. aww, my babies!! I didn't think it would be hard (actually I never think about things like separation and death and such.. I mean.. why worry about them, right? well, it was actually a little difficult saying bye to Molly and Joe and Tommy. sigh. I'm actually glad Leo was around, or I would have gotten embarrasingly mushy and given them all blubbering kisses or something.. *shudder*

ok, anyway, back to my original thought.. brought about by eharmony... there are probably atleast 3 guys in my life right now, (um, Leo isn't being counted here) whom I think I could probably be happy with as companions.. but its funny, because I don't have any chemistry for any of them.. and its hilarious, because none of them fit the "Mr. Perfect" profile I thought I'd fall for/end up with.. actually no guy I've ever actually liked has.. now that I think about it.. the closest people have come are.. Alex, the berry and Ryan D from high school (and no offense if they end up reading this) but... maybe there's more to this whole "falling in love" with people thing than good genes... afterall... let's pick apart Leo for a while.. he's..
too short,
blonde (um, don't ask.. I always had this thing against marrying someone with light hair and them aging much faster than me... don't ask),
not the straight A type (far, far cry from it),
not athletic AT ALL,
doesn't even like basketball (sigh, the things I put up with)
likes BASEBALL (probably the worst sport ever invented--don't hurt me, Alex)
and the list goes on..

but somehow..

I love him, and today as we were talking about his materials class... well it was more me lamenting about how he ought to have gotten an A and him making excuses and shrugging about not taking advantage of the oodles of extracredit... I just looked at him, and it REALLY DAWNED ON ME how incredibly different we are... but.. I love him...

is that enough?

I don't know.. maybe I don't need a male Deepika. I need a Leo, a compliment, someone to... not exactly discourage me from buidling castles in the sky (which I don't approve of and Leo does all the time...) but... know the lift forces and gravity and make a guestimation.

I don't know.. I guess let's see how this will turn out :-P I'm more than happy though, I feel like I've found a good fit.. enzymatically speaking, an induced fit.. something I didn't think possible but other factors came into place to change that. And you know what? I think sometimes that I don't know what's best for me, but I think someone out there does...

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