And then, we got drunk. (BJDC07 Coverage Pt 2)

Sep 03, 2007 10:25

During our adventure through Austin that day, we made our way to a liquor store to buy rum, beer, and lots of little doll-sized shooters (for them, of course... ;) That, in itself, was a fun story, seeing as how we intercepted a crazy drunk guy with a gun while we were at the liquor store, and had to call the cops as we made our speedy getaway. (No trouble as far as we could tell; the guy left the store right after we did, so I don't think he held the store owner up... but you could tell there was something wrong with him, namely that he was drunk off his ass in the middle of the day and toting a gun around. Hunh.)

BUT. That is neither here nor there, because regardless of the consequences, we found ourselves well encumbered with alcohol at the end of the night. hawkey96, jun_chan and I shouldered the burden of most of it, since puffytuffet was being all cute and productive and working on table gifts instead. (loser. ;) I will, however, spare all of you (and us) the numerous photos I have of US being drunk. Instead, we'll stick with the DOLLS being drunk, because that's far less incriminating for us more aesthetically pleasing? >.>; *ahem.*

Tris: XD "I HAS A HATZ, AND ALCOHOLZ. It brings the boys to the yard." >D
Orion: "Ye might be an arse, but ye also make a verreh good jungle gym. I'll give ye that."

Ren: "Mine, fucker."
Tris: "Mine, fucker!" D< "Don't make me whip your ass with the hat."
Orion: "Hehehe. They don't know it, but they can't see me." >D

Our resin crew always seems to be teeming with delinquints. Wtf? XD; Valin, what would your brother say???

Orion: "I'll kick yer fecking arse!" >D
Tris: *faceplant*

Tris: "WTF, motherfucker?" D: "I was holding your stupid ass up and everything!"

Ren: "It's all mine now..." @_@
(That's fine, Ren, I think everyone else has had enough... >.> )

Tris: "Gerroff!" D<
Orion: "Give up yet, pansyarse?"
Tris: "Fuck no! And that's not a word! Get off, the carpet smells like your ass!" D<

Artemis: "Ooo, vas is dis? Dog piles?! I love de dog piles!"

Artemis: *hop!*
Orion: D: *HUFF!* "WTF!"
Tris: *ded*

Ren: "The perfect distraction." >D

Orion: "Stop touching me! Get off!"
Artemis: "I love dogpiles!" :D
Tris: *still ded*

Tris: "Get him good in the ass while you're up there for me, Art."
Artemis: "I am trying mine hardest! He clenches!"
Orion: "OI!!!!"

Valin: "Ahhh it's like a massaging mattress."

Enzo and Ren: "....Wtf?"

Orion: *struggle, flail* "This feckin' blows!" (Haha, wah-wah-waaaah.)
Art: "But vhy don't you vant me on your team?! I am voted best dogpiler in Germany!" D:
Orion: "OFF!!!"

Haru: "Wha--OK!" @_@ 8D

Again with the delinquints. >.>

Tris: "The tables turn, bitch!" >D
Orion: "Fecking hell!"

Tris: "I'm taking you down, baby."
Orion: "You feckin' fag, don't call me baby!" >.< !

Tris: *grab* "Heh, think I'd call that a little more'n a handful." >3
Orion: "You'd better feckin' believe it! Now DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!"

Artemis: "Non-con, mine favorite!"
Enzo: "Oh, not bad."
Ren: "Mmm-hmmmm."

(Orion and Tris flip again here, apparently I forgot to take a picture. Yeah... needless to say, Ren's bottles were good and gone by now, and he wasn't the one to drink 'em. >.> )

M: "I'm helping!"
Tris: >.

M: "HII-YA!" >D
Orion: D:!!!! "WTF, traitor!"
M: >D "Hahahahaha!!!"

Tris: "THIS!"

Tris: "IS!"

Orion: D: *kicked*
Both: "........."

Tris: "That's your cue to get off, fucker."

Bridget (the sweet voice of reason... or maybe just the bouncer): "Okay, guys, break it up!"

Aeiou and M: "We'll help! Break it up guys, break it up!"

Orion: "Y... halo thar." XD *successfully distracted*

Tris: "Wtf, not again..."
M: *toot!*

Enzo: "Miscusie!" D: (Hahahaha.)

Neige: "Hey there, you~..." *heart*
Orion: o_____________________________o "UM.. HELLO NEIGE HOW R U."

Tris: "That's it, ladies. Just strip him down, tie him up, and leave him in my bed for me... I've gotta have a smoke."

Next Morning:

Ren: "...My head..."
Artemis: "....According to your blood-alcohol levels, you all should be dead..." @_@ *ded.*
Ren: "...I'll agree with that."
Orion, from afar: "Feck, my head.....Where the hell are my pants?!"
Tris: "Fit me better, bitch. Go to sleep."

(That was fun. XD More to come~!)
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