I was playing around with Reno and Ophelia, and mostly was surprised what came of it... so there are pictures. ;) Just... pretend that they're decently good pictures with nice lighting, please? And plz ignore the History Channel in the background. o.o; *geek*
Ophelia: "Reno, where did you go? I missed you~!" ;_;
Reno: "Aw, I wasn't gone long, or far. You should know I wouldn't leave you, love."
Ofuckyes, they actually STOOD LIKE THAT.
Ophelia: "I just worried..."
Reno: *chuckle* "Well, don't you do that." *kisskiss*
Ophelia: *giggle!* "..Okay. Welcome home, Reno..."
I think they're happy to see each other~ :> (And yes, I think I win at posing today... just not enough to have taken them outside and done it :P Booyah.)