Needless to say, since Xian Li's arrival, Ein's problems have only compounded, and they are at their absolute worst when
hawkey96 and I meet up. ;) These photos are from a couple of weeks ago, when
medical_mecha and I met up with
hawkey96 and
adelinesrhyme, so plz to be excusing the occasional faces or hands or other nonsenses going on in the background. ;)
XianLi: "Kid, you're going to buy me some ice cream today." }:>
Ein: *sigh* "Fine..." Just stop clinging on me. Geez.
Ein: "How come I'm always the one buyin'? You're the one with the job."
XianLi: "And that's my fault how? Besides, it tastes better when you pay."
Ein: *snort* "Sure................ o_o;; ?"
Rikku: >D
Rikku: "EINY-WHINEY-PANTS!!!! Hey, did you get taller??"
Ein: "Oh, jesus. Not you."
Rikku: "Oh, no, just your shoes." 8D
XianLi: "Aww, Ein-- you have a friend? How unlikely!"
Rikku: "Heehee, we're moooore than friends, aren't we, Einy-Whiney?"
Ein: "Absolutely not."
Rikku: "But Einyyyy, how else would I know your....SECRET POKEY TICKLE SPOT!!!" *jabjabjabjabjab*
Ein: "..............................."
Ein: "Then how could you forget-- I do have longer arms than you, remember?"
Rikku: "UUUUNGH!! *grabgrab!*"
XianLi: "Don't be shy on account o'me, Ein... Go for it, stud!" >X3
Ein: "Go for WHAT?! Geez, I can't stand you girls!!"
Rikku: *drops to the floor in a hissy fit* "BUT I LOVE YOU, EINY-WHINEY!!!!!"
Ein: "You do NOT. What the hell are you doing, anyway??"
Rikku: "I do too, Ein! I love you love you long time! Tris says that's the best way to get someone into bed, and you need a nap more than anyone I've ever met, GRUMPY-WUMPS!"
Rikku: "Are your knees ticklish? I wanna see you smile!"
Ein: "Then go jump off a bridge, or something."
Ein: "Go on, now. Get off. Go bother someone else..." *push, shove, nudge*
Rikku: "Ein, you're SO FUNNY!!!"
Ein: "Harumph."
Rikku: "Hmph!"
Rikku: ........ >3
Rikku: "EEE, I feel an Einy-Hiney!!!"
hawkey96's adorable Baha, Ragnarok, makes his appearance:
Ein: "What -IS- this thing?"
Rags: "Is that any way to talk to your future ruler, pion?!"
XianLi: "Awww... it's just so cute!!"
Rags: "By cute you mean ferocious... I can forgive your slight of tongue.. this time."
XianLi: "Just hold still, Ein. Play dead." >D
Dooly: "This seems like a bad idea, guys..." :(
Rikku: "Aww, Rags is trying to eat your heart out, Ein! That's so sweet!!"
Ein: "Just kill me fast, Rags."
Ragnarok: "No hope in hell if you keep calling me that!" D<
I think that's finally all the backed up dollie pictures I've got. XDXD Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm expecting a very very special delivery sometime in the next couple of days, so, barring my camera not working inexplicably (again), there will be more, new stuff to come!!