(no subject)

Jun 20, 2014 23:47

Fucking cock shit asss!!!!!

Helping never helps, especially when you give people a dose of reality and call them out on their dumbasssery. A friend of mine asked for help in regards to writing a paper for an art class and the Facebook status was all disjointed and incoherent. So I was all, wtf! If you're so lazy on something as unimportant as a Facebook status, this paper you're working on is going to be terrible. And I got some sad story about how she's struggled with "grammer" (sic) her whole life and went to an underfunded school. Bitch, please! Don't play that fucking violin for me, cos mine is tinier, but louder than yours! I went to an underfunded school in the LA school district in the inner city. On top of all that, English is a second language for me. Don't give me that shit. I'm so tired of this rapid decline of intellectualism in America. No one is even trying anymore yet they expect people to understand what they mean.

I give up.

via ljapp

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