Aug 29, 2005 19:19
today was one of the best days of my life!!!!
so, first day of school, thought it would suck, but i had a ton of fun, i love all my classes, cept im getting programming changed to choir. saw a lot of my friends, and i have a ton of my friends in my classes :)
so after school, my sister drove me home, then i went up with my mom and got a guitar! :D
it was for my birthday, but on the way home, because i knew what i was getting, and it wouldnt be a surprise, so it didnt really matter, my mom said i could have it now! w00t! so ive been playing all day, lol
it is a sweet guitar, very pimpshizzle
im goin up north this weekend, my mom says i should bring my guitar, and i cant wait for friday, FISH FRY holla
so ill ttyl
<3 Erika, i love you so much ;D