Jun 21, 2006 09:54
So.. things have been kinda crazy around here.. I fucked up my left foot pretty bad last Monday (the 12th).. it’s still a little swollen and a bit black and blue.. I don’t really know what happened.. I was just walking down stairs and my foot completely gave out on me and I fell.. I’m not completely cripple though.. I don’t need a cast (well, I convinced the Drs I didn’t need one at all) and I’ve given up on the crutches… so I’m walking on it, which it probably why I’m still swollen.. it hurts like a bitch.. but whatever.. I can deal with it..
So I thought I was going to hate living in Salem NH… I thought I’d hate change… but I don’t… I’m actually happier… I know it’s not just moving that makes me happier… the people in my life right now make me happy… but getting away from the place I’ve been since I was 4… the place that has made me miserable since I was 11… the things that destroyed my life… left behind with that house…
The friends that I have right now… have made my life what it is right now… The girls from school, my sister, Nate, Jay, Jaye (I can’t wait til you are home for good!!!)… without these people I don’t think I could be as happy as I am right now.. Yes, there are other people in my life that help keep me sane (my cousins..you know who you are, Jodi, Clem, Meghan H, Tim, Dawne, etc.) and you all mean the world to me.. but there is just something about all the people I’ve come close to this year.. that I couldn’t live without… People say that you meet the best people when you least expect it… and that is more true than I ever thought it would be… I had pretty much given up on life… I had my sister, and sometimes I doubted that… and Jaye, who has been one of my best friends for what seems like forever, had all of his own shit to deal with being way far away from everything that makes him happy so I tried not to bug him too much with my drama... You know, I just didn’t care anymore… I was just going to go to class, get my As, and keep to myself… but then I started the block and grad school and met some amazing people, and my roommates were awesome, and Pam kept me going out every week.. and CPDC people… and keeping to myself wasn’t happening… and I’m happy that it didn’t happen… because I wouldn’t have met everyone that I did… and I wouldn’t have the amazing friends that I have now… I love you guys… Thank you soo much for making me happy… a special thanks to Nate, who I have relied on for so much (maybe too much).. you have helped me more than I ever thought anyone could… All of your advice, your kind words, and just letting me trust you with things I haven’t told anyone and needed to tell someone... basically, thank you for caring so much about some random girl you met at the bar and decided to “stalk” you :-P
So, I’m on dial-up right now… but I will be getting the real internet again soon.. next week I hope… I hate not having my computer!!! lol it is sad… and we have no cable, but that comes tomorrow… I haven’t been able to watch the sox in over 2 weeks! At least I got to watch the Stanley Cup playoffs though..
Anyway.. that’s all I feel like writing…