
Sep 23, 2007 11:37

So today I am going to finish the harrowing vet school application. Dr. Smith gave me his reccommendation, along with Dr. Paul's from florida, and Mrs. Miller's from high school I have all three reccommendations that I need. Now I just have to make up some BS essay answers so that they'll call me back for an interview.

Na, just kidding. I really put alot of thought into these answers. Like for instance, I've been in college for 2 years and am applying right now. I really only expect an interview. They only accept 5 Junior appliers, and 2 of them are oos (out of state). So my chances are slim, but they can call back any amount of people for the interview. This is where I hope to make my impression so that they remember my name. Well, barbara coats (the go-to gal for vet school admission) already knows me by my weird last name. So, atleast she remembers me. So back to what I was saying. A Junior applier, IF admitted to vet school, has the choice of either A) deferring a year and completing her batchelors degree or B) going straight into vet school for the PhD. My advisor told me to go ahead and say that you have so much vorocity and drive to get into vet school that ill drop EVERYTHING that i am doing and not defer a year. But thats just not me. Dude, do you know how hard I've worked just to get to this point in my life? (Almost) 3 years of college, 79 credit hours, 2 semesters of inorganic chem, 2 semesters of organic chem, biochem, immunology, micro, cell bio, genetics, and you want me to drop the one thing that all that crap been building towards??? Don't get me wrong my ultimate goal is to become a veterinarian and then specialize in optometry as most of you know. But I'm sorry, eventhough my education was mainly free, I paid for it through blood sweat and tears studying for insane tests and going to class every single day wishing a bomb would just fall on me. I cant give up on my batchelors there folks, sorries.

So that is what I explained to them, in a more eloquent way of course, in my first essay. And now I have 5 more to go. Weee! In between applying im going to watch princess mononoke and house of flying daggars. Just to take my mind off of the stress. Here I come Vet school. Sharpen those scalpels. I'ma commin to cut!

Enjoy the weekend ya'll.

stress, vet school

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