Whoever the fuck your anonymous ass is..all i have to say is your an idiot!! You wana call me "sycotic" - what the fuck ever!! See i have someone i love and care about..and obvioisly you dont! Love doesnt have to occur over time like some people say, it can be at first sight! Youll know this when you get over your stubborn fucked up ways and actually let yourself love and be loved! Your just uptight and bitchy because you have never and might not ever expereince love! Sucks for you! So dont ever come back here and talk about MY life, and MY relationship again...work and criticise your own fucking shit!! *and by the fucking way...he was pulled for speeding at 3am!! Not drunk driving asshole!! It was when the cop was talking to him that he was arrested for the DUI!! He wasnt swereving, or anything else...he was just speeding SO FUCK YOU BITCH!!! **And if you ever say i dont care about himj then you are beyond fucked up in the head!! I took the keys and made him chill for an hour or so!I wasnt sujre how much he had to drink...so i made him wait a bit. Hes drunk before..hes a big boy! i didnt want him to go but he had to..so once again FUCK YOU!!! I LOVE HIM AND CARE ABOUT HIM! and if you ever say i dont i will find your ass...
OK on that happy valentines day =) and please leave me alone..i dont want more fights over shit you know nothing about!!thanks so much -stine
Re: ok bitchangellicmaidenFebruary 22 2004, 10:55:38 UTC
one thing u have no idea how the fuck my life is i have the most wonderful bf and unlike u i know what love is and i lost my virginity to the guys im with ive been with him for 2 years now and i was just sayin my opinion on what u fuckin put into the damn journey so its ur own fuckin fault that i said anything and if i think what u write is retarted i have the right to tell u what i think for what i know through ur writing if ur to stupid to undestand what im sayin then sorry i dont have an idiotic mind like urself to break it down and u probably have known this guy for a month or so and ur fuckin him thinking u love him so thats not love i know u and how u r but ull never know who i am cuz we dont talk nor go to the same school but i as sure know u and u kinda know me but will never find me and i also know the fact that u can meet a guy for like an hour and say u love him when ur drunk and then fuckin sleep with him how pathetic r u and i think personaly since u think so low or ur self to fuck an guy not knowing shit about them and i know there has been like 3 guys when u were drunk that u said u loved and was so happy and only knew then for like a day so y dont u just cut the bullshit and be a fuckin prostitute and by the way go take a spell course cuz u really really need one cuz u cant spell for shyt i put that shit for u cuz i thought maybe could understand that i said what i had to ur buddy anonymous bye.
Re: ok bitchangellicmaidenFebruary 22 2004, 18:50:57 UTC
sorry same person when i said i lost my virginity to the guys im with i meant guy my sister added an s just to let ur stupid ass know cuz i cant tell ur stupid
*and by the fucking way...he was pulled for speeding at 3am!! Not drunk driving asshole!! It was when the cop was talking to him that he was arrested for the DUI!! He wasnt swereving, or anything else...he was just speeding SO FUCK YOU BITCH!!!
**And if you ever say i dont care about himj then you are beyond fucked up in the head!! I took the keys and made him chill for an hour or so!I wasnt sujre how much he had to drink...so i made him wait a bit. Hes drunk before..hes a big boy! i didnt want him to go but he had to..so once again FUCK YOU!!! I LOVE HIM AND CARE ABOUT HIM! and if you ever say i dont i will find your ass...
OK on that happy valentines day =) and please leave me alone..i dont want more fights over shit you know nothing about!!thanks so much
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