AHHHHH I hate this.

Aug 17, 2006 00:49

I am a member of Koreanfriendfinder. I am on my second ID cause refused to be demerted for a blog where I had talked about a ignorant person at Italianfriendfinder who did not know what the word Korean was. He yelled at me thinking I was muslim when I said I knew Korean. First of all religion has no part on his like or dislike of me and two he was not well read.. the Qua’ran is the book of the islamic religion not Korean.  By me posting that the KFF people said I was harrassing a member of KFF even if there was no KFF member that exsisted and I didn’t use names. Because I said Italianfriendfinder they said it was relative.

Anyway I have a new ID and I am back to blogging and what not. I am in chat with some awesome people.

I had one friend Monika (Arina_84) who is from Poland. She is an extreme pacifist and I understand that. However she is hypocricical and hurtful. She was talking to someone who didn’t like me one day and he kept saying things like shes Ugly etc etc… and Monika did not step up in friendship and tell him shut the fuck up. She instead agreed with him and sent me the chat where he was purely mean.

This comes off from people that she knows asking me for my picture and then insulting me. At that time I never offered my picture, he asked and complied which felt odd. All I know is someone who asks for your picture and says you are pretty but your friend is better is a real scumbag. Why be mean spirited to someone who just put themselves out there to be judged unless someone told you to do it? I am happy this guy liked moni more than me but did he have to insult me to complement her did he? I began to doubt monika from then on because whenever I talked to anyone she began to automatically like them when she already had her own set of people she would talk to exclusively. I understand she wants to get along with everyone but why take something from me if I am not from you and no this has nothing to do with those that find her attractive and not I. It has to do with those who find us equally attractive.

By her not definding me to rainy nite she confirmed my suspicions of her not being a friend to me.  I cried so much and stopped talking to Moni. We were friends for a year and I felt she was playing a horrible game. I needed space. Little by little I would talk to her again. She comment on my myspace blog when I had a issue with my exhusband and when my mother had a heart attack but she totally changed in this last month but that changed when a romanian girl name Shrandys came to chat and at first she was a nice girl. She started to become really odd one day while we were talking a a guy name Hyungjun from new zealand. I met him the night before and we traded instant messenger IDs.  We talked about how we met everyone on each others buddy list. At this time I am on MSN with hyungjun Introducing him to Jess (Dingbat) who is his age.

All of a sudden in chat Shrandys says… well I didn’t want his ID anyway? (Even though he didn’t offer it to her). So I just said Okay..(Because what can you say to that???) She goes off on young people and how she wont date guys yoiunger than her that she likes older more mature men.  I say cool I ususally do the 5 to 10 year rule. I do not know why she is so adimant about younger people but I ignore it and move on.

Days pass and I do not go to KFF daily like I used to. The summer is here the weather is better. Friends are on vacation so we can go places and make plans for the time we have. I go into chat and there is a host of new people.

One of the people Cute_Nerd is a canadian guy. He isnt my type but he is there with another new guy Funkywang who is ABC. The ABC is a photographer but he and CN have the same last name and use it in their MSN. I never asked for CuteNerds MSN but traded with the other guy who is more my type.. I find out he is a photographer and the next day he and cute still message me. I am not the type to message people. Even if I am interested in them I wont bother them unless they tell me too. That is why Yoonie was such a disappointment to me cause he was intimate with me and inviting me to talk to him but in chat he would put on a show for Daintee Unnie but that’s besides the point and Im off tangeant.

Days pass by and CuteNerd is getting his feel for the room. The other Funkywang the guy who is more my type I see on MSN but never for a long time. Cute is having issues with Rich_J_9880 and ManoJfriend. These 2 guys are our resident troll flamers alone with MacDaddy1111, Wallstreet, Uhd, Dorkydude, Nerdkiller, Ilse_MilkU2,  and Busan25. They are harmless but like to try and do harm but they arent anything to worry about.

Rich had gone to cutes profile and saw his torso pic and began calling Cutenerd gay. Although Cute never asked him to look at his profile or pics, Rich had twisted the situation to make it sound like CuteNerd did.

At this point Mano is also calling CuteNerd Gay. Mano has a M.O. of talking to girls in chat and then when they shy away he attacks them. I have both of these people on Ignore. Cute was continuously arguing with Mano. At first I thought his insults were week but then I realized he was playing a game. Mano comes in with his M.O. and Cute was just responding.

Cute then asked me if I would unblock Mano. I did. He was like play along. I can write some pretty funny and entertaining insults. Part of it is growing up with tons of cousins .. part of it is my own imagination and part of it is my fictional writing.

4 days passed by where I would chase mano out of chat with witty retorts. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. Mano even resorted going to YoMamma Sites for the banter. There were other members that joined in Fizzz, cute_nerd, sailingblue, saco1, vasheclaude,  stickshift80, dingbat, and Skseahawk.

It was fun it was entertainment. It was stupid but it was not serious. We all laughed. I started writing again using some of the wittiest insults in this novel im writing called Dragonboone Sarleka.

At some point Shrandy came into chat on the third day and began complaining. She said Chat was only for relaxation and she could not relax with the play word battle. She said (not asked) that people are suppose to block people like mano so everyone else could talk. CuteNerd asked her just to leave it be for the day because it was fun for all of us. Shrandy began talking with Cute and let it be. She left and that was that.

Shrandy came back the last time I was play figting with Mano. Mano had left and Vashclaude was making believe he was interviewing me. I even said I am going to disneyworld. It was fun. That is when monika came into chat and began calling me an Actress and the star of chat and I was lik HUH??????? Shrandy said Im gonna report you to kfff. And I was like whoa you are reporting me and not CUTE or Saco or fizz?? And she was like don’t talk about me and cute.. you have no right to talk about cute to me..

Im like well cause cute weas just here and playfighting too..

Shrandy had a fit. She began saying I was evil and I don’t need to worry about her and cute together.. and that everything negative that happened to me was Karma. I asked her “what are you saying?” and then I realized what she meant. I had just gotten over a bout with luekemia. So I asked her “ Are you saying I deserve my Cancer?”

Her answer was not NO or Yes .. no she said “God makes things happen for a reason and you shoulve have learned a lesson from your cancer?”

At this point In my head im like whoa wtf is this bitch talking about who does she think she is telling me what I got to do or learn or be like …

Then monika is says “Star actress of chat” and Shrandy says “You want everyone to Lick your asshole and worship your ass” she goes off about karma and being the better persona and how what I said to mano was vicious and that I was a evil person for not blocking him. She goes off to say I want all the guys in chat and how I hurt people but she never met me????

And Im like shrandy the only person who is telling people what to do is you and if you are uncomfortable you have three choices.. Block, Go to another chat room with a different ambiance or report.  I also told her that I did Block mano at first but cute convinced me otherwise.

She wouldn’t believe. She went crazy.. KOOKOO fucking cookoo. Her and Monika has this joint packed just to harras me.. SO I blocked her cause everything she said I DID she was being a perfect example of.. So on top of her being KOOKOO shes a hypocrite. I told Monika that any little salvaged relations we had were totally gone and how she immed people I know and said she was worried about me was obviously another lie from her mouth.

She acts sweet but all her pacifist shit is BS.

I msned CuteNerd who backed me with shrandy saying YES I did beg him 4 days ago to BLOCK mano too.. buit begged him in a nice way. Cutenerd also said it was him who began the play fighting.. but all in all even though he says he didn’t he took her side saying she misunderstood the situation but Shrandy never apologized  and still lets her talk about me but that is besides the point. He doesn’t call me Mia anymore and he doesn’t talk to me on MSN. He used to instant message me almost ever day now he does it none and according to shrandy I burned him somehow .. but that’s only because he says chat isnt serious but it was me who was harrassed and NOT HIM.

Shrandy came into chat the next couple of days and I just didn’t like her superior attitude. If I was talking she began taking over me and commenting how my opinions and the way I see life (MY LIFE) is wrong and I was like you know.. STOP  and I blocked her again.

She got angry and began harrassing me even though I had her on block.

After this I found a guy online who was older. 24622462 was his ID. We talked … we traded MSN. He was cute and I thought he was sexy. I liked his curiousity and how he represented himself. He was older and for me Old means wise. We flirted and I showed him some nude photos I took of choice body parts. Also  I emailed him about leaving KFF cause I really couldn’t take the fact Shrandy and Monika talked so much shit and purposley make it a hard place for me to be.  I emailed him a personal account of it. I emailed him from my hotmail not my kff email.

I kept my thoughts to my personal space.

One day I come into chat and 24622462 says others were talking about me. At first I didn’t think it was a odd thing to say to me cause I thought he honestly cared for me. I began to talk about other things and he went on and on and said how horrifying and terrible things were said and how it was so bad it made him sad.

So Finally after a good 15 -20 minutes about him going off about how terrible it was I asked him who said what.

He wouldn’t answer. He only kept saying they were my friends and they are my friends.

Im like no that doesn’t help me.

Then he goes off about how I shouldn’t trust people on kff and I am like WHICH ones??? You need to tell me so I can put people at arms length.

He wouldn’t I wanted to cry its easy if it was just shrandy and moni but if they were ganging up with people I became to like it would be sad but it would give me the freedom to push those people out of my life.

He refused to say who said what in chat and there were people there .. he asked me he could email me and I said no.. don’t bother.

I blogged about it and he apologized. He said he was sorry that he didn’t look at things my way and I asked him to tell me again. He said he doesn’t remember and I said its not good enough I cant trust him,..He went on how I should take a break from KFF? Cause Im getting angry but I wasn’t. I was fine  he said he was truly sorry and called me babe and sweetheart and I told him to fuck off.

That is when he sent my naked pics and personal emails to MONI and Shrandy. Shrandy came into chat qouting from it. Moni kept saying that I told her I never talk about people but they have the email as proof I do. I said that’s a personal email off KFF that says nothing hurtful towards anyone and it didn’t. It just talked about me and that’s when they twisted that and said Im selfish.

I called them hypocrites. And they said they had the pictures of me too.

246 then said I should seek therapy? And I was like why should I seek therapy when you cant divulge other people who were being abnormal to me????

They all became of mob of terrorists twisting everything.

246 is now Seoulnite. I know cause Crezly who has been in chat witnessing this nad having selective memory called him Brandon Oppa the first 2 days seoulnite is in chat. TNT also has told me seoulnite has told her that he indeed was 246.

I say this cause as Seoulnite’s ID appeared he was completely hostile to me and called me names and said I harrass shrandy and moni.  I knew he was brandon and now its confirmed.

Whatever I am guilty of in chat it doesn’t not warrant this treatment of me. I never hurt MONI or Shrandy or Crezly or Brandon. I never was vulgar to them and their person. But they have questioned my morality my sanity my level of intellgence and have all manipulated me.

I AM Not guilty of anything except having a entertaining time in chat.

Shrandy says she is a psychologist and that gives her the right to judge others. I dunno but if that’s the profession she chose so she can design who is good or bad then its not ME who needs therapy. My sister is also a Psychologist and doesn’t act like SHRANDY she would never take it apon herself to meet people and judge them,

SHRANDY is Psychotic and I wish she would stop stalking me and trying to discredit me. 246 is a old sad man who is playing girl games and Moni is a dissapointment cause she has no courage in her heart. They are no better than a pack of hyenas.

Anyone who playcates their behavor in discrediting me as a good person is guilty of this.

why is it these girls from forieign countries who are looking for a handout torture us who just want to know more about korea and make a connection!

Im so tired.
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