Feb 17, 2008 00:48
I suppose it really isn't healthy to get worked up over something that is so implausible as this. As have been any of these notions I've chosen to entertain over the last few years. Call me a go-getter or a fool, in this case the two are synonymous, but I always strive for things unattainable. It's like I built my life around this kind of disappointment and regret. Its as if I enjoy those pangs of unadulterated embarrassment that creep up at me in the middle of the night, when I'm up thinking about that implausible thing. Call me masochistic, if you must.
You could also probably blame it on the fact that one of the first movies I ever watched with enough comprehension was "Sixteen Candles" wherein the girl in the story is head over heels with someone she could only dream of having. It's not art for my life to imitate, though John Hughes is a genius in his own right, so in the situations I have that are similar to those of Samantha Baker, there is no sitting on a glass table with a cake between me and Jake Ryan. And I doubt there will ever be.
and even if it did happen, the cake would just make me fat.
I've come to terms with my position of the family's "black sheep" it's not by attitude or rebelliousness that I've attained this title, but by the mere fact that, I, through all my efforts at gregarianism and outgoing-ness, have finally, after seventeen years on the planet formerly and presently known as earth, have realized that I shy. SHY. I don't even like the word shy. It implies insecurity, something that I definitely do not evoke outwardly. What I am afraid of, I may never ever know.
and ps, which may end up being completely Too-much-information
I want a boy with soft lips.