Jun 03, 2004 21:48
today was a wonderful day today :) well i woke up late today and when i wake up late i freak out but then i was fine. and my aunt and her bf were over for the neighborhood garage sale ive seen them so much this week like everyday! but anyway went to school and it wasn't even boring today! i came home and then went to get food with my aunts boyfriend and then decided to go for a walk and saw my friends playing basketball so i played with them for like three hours and then went to record mimes with brandon and sam. jeez some of those things were really gay. then i came home and played basketball some more then came home didn't eat dinner and took a shower. and now im just talking. next week is going to be so sad but yet so great. i think the right word for that is bittersweet ahah i love that word! well bye bye :p