Weekly update on Project Zero (2 weeks late....) haha

Apr 17, 2009 14:42

Hey guys!  I've made some progress on the list.  Not too much, but eh, I'm okay with that.  My life is kinda hectic.  Hence why I didn't blog like I was supposed to the past 2 Sundays.  but this is my blog for this Sunday, with my update and gratitude journal.  Check out the updated list after the jump.  I'll post an actual post with what's been going on in my life after this.

Gratitude Journal for April 12th-19th:

For my mother's growing patience
     It's been evident lately that my mother's patience is getting better.  I admire her strength in difficult situations.

For my dad's growing recovery
     His alcoholism, which I've begun to realize, is far-reaching and debilitating.  I pray for his continued growth and introspection.

For being able to watch my niece grow from baby to little girl
     I've gone from seeing her once or twice a year to almost every day.  It's amazing to see how much she learns every day, and how much she remembers and retains.  Before I know it, she'll be all grown up.  I appreciate her innocence and sweet nature.

For the sun!!
     Being in SoCal has really driven this point home to me--I'm so much happier when the sun is out.  As much as I loved Davis, the rainy weather did bring me down, even though I liked the first spring rain.  But having so much sun--it just uplifts me.  On that note, I'm also thankful for the breeze, because without it, I'd be roasting.

For the ability I have to make new friends and be comfortable around people
      I love that I can strike up conversation with people and develop bonds.  We have new friends around the corner and I look forward to spending more time with them.

For the fact that my brother and sister-in-law own an elliptical
      Finding the time and motivation to work out is easy when you're unemployed and the machine to help you do it is 10 feet away from you.  I feel better when I work out, and more energetic.

For my sister-in-law who has been extremely open and accepting of me
      She has done nothing but reach out to me and include me in awesome activities.  She genuinely cares about my happiness and puts up with my presence in her home.  She's great.  It's not hard to think of her as true family.

And now....My updated 101 things to do in 1,001 days list, as of 4/17/09!

From date: Sunday, March 29, 2009

Added 1001 days

Resulting date: Sunday, December 25, 2011

Italicized: In progress

strikethrough: Accomplished!

RED: Uh...Problematic.

Big Career/Life Goals:

  1. Get into nursing school

    • I'm on the year to year and a half waitlist for Santa Monica College SO, if all else fails, at least I know that I'm definitely going to be in a nursing program in a year to a year and a half. That's good news! Otherwise, I got a “no” from one place which is lame. But I'm still waiting to hear back from 3 other schools, and I have a meeting with a counselor at the last place I'm applying to for the fall on the 29th. So, I'm visualizing that I'll be in school soon.

  1. Graduate from nursing school

  2. Pass the NCLEX

  3. Start working as a nurse

  4. Grow out hair until wedding day, then cut and donate to Locks of Love (may take longer than 1001 days)

  5. Adopt a kitten or puppy

  6. Get 1,000 views a week on website (www.thereelrabbit.com)

  7. Get certified in CPR and First Aid

Personal Growth Goals:

  1. Read from the bible every week (1/132)

  2. Update livejournal every week (1/132)

  3. Do Gratitude Journal every week (1/132)

    • Oh, I've been bad with all of these. This Sunday will be my 3rd Sunday, and I would've only done these three above things once each. We'll try again next week!

  1. Go one week without complaining (0/7)

  2. Take an adult education class for fun

  3. Look into and enroll in a voice class--$$ permitting

  4. Watch 3 sunrises (0/3)

  5. Look at old photographs with Kevin and friends

  6. Write new 101 Things in 1,001 days list!

Love Goals:

  1. Get professional photos done of Kev & I

  2. Write a love letter to the boyfriend every month (0/33)

  3. Move in with the boyfriend

  4. Get engaged and watch my parent's wedding tape

  5. Plan an elaborate picnic

Family Goals:

  1. Do 5 crafty things with Amanda (1/5)

    • Baked 6.5 dozen chocolate chip cookies with Panda. I'm gonna say that counts.

  1. Call my grandma once a month (0/33)

  2. Visit my grandma and Kev's grandmas

  3. Finish RomCom script with my brother, John

  4. Visit Lolo and Lola's graves

Health/Beauty Goals:

  1. Achieve goal weight of 130 lbs or be able to shop easily at LA shops

  2. Get a facial at least every 4 months (0/8)

  3. Get a massage at least every 4 months (0/8)

  4. Go hiking

  5. Learn how to roller blade

  6. Buy and use exercise ball for chair

  7. Floss three times a week (7/396)

  8. Drink 8 glasses of water every day for 7 days (0/7) Work towards habit.

  9. Go dancing every 6 months (0/5)

  10. Do monthly breast self-exams (0/33)

Free Time/Fun Goals:

  1. Watch half of the movies on the '1001 Movies you Must See” List (excluding ones I've already seen) (0/428 of the 856 I haven't seen)

    • Basically, I need to rethink this one. I wanted this to be difficult, to see how many I could do, but 428 is just daunting. I'm gonna kick it down to 250... So... (1/250)

  1. See a play/musical/theater experience/live performance/symphony once a month (0/33)

  2. Play through God of War 2

  3. Play through Oblivion

  4. Find a good karaoke bar/venue and attend often

    • I went to Champs, this kinda cool dive bar in Burbank, on Monday 4/13/09. The bar is eh-they only serve wine and beer. But the company was great!! If those guys go again (Kev's new neighbors....well sorta, they live around the corner) then I'll go with. Might hold out for a better bar though, so won't cross it off yet.

  1. Crochet at least 1 full-sized blanket

  2. Learn to knit

  3. Go to Davis and eat unthinkable amounts of sushi with friends

  4. See all Oscar Nominated Best Films for 2009 and 2010

  5. Spot a famous person on the streets of LA

    • Technically, on 3/29/2009 I saw Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin (and their two daughters) at Disneyland. Famous person....debatable... streets of LA....very debatable

    • Okay, this one DEFINITELY counts!! I saw Seth Rogen AND Judd Apatow last night in Burbank on 4/17/09. That's all the details I can reveal at this point! But awesome!!

  1. Watch the entire Star Wars Saga (SW I-VI) in one day

  2. Go to some sort of After-party or Big party in LA

  3. Host or participate in a Murder Mystery

Food Goals:

  1. Bake a Red Velvet Cake

  2. Host a dinner party for friends

  3. Cook a complicated gourmet meal with appetizer and dessert once a month (0/33)

  4. Eat something I've never tried at least once a month (0/33)

  5. Go to at least 3 cooking classes (0/3)

  6. Eat a pint of Phish Food Ben & Jerry's ice cream in one sitting for old-time's sake (lower-fat ok)

  7. Go to the Melting Pot again

  8. Order a bottle of champagne for a special meal

Cleaning/Organization Goals:

  1. Sell mom and my unused Cds-organize the rest

  2. Donate or sell all my old dresses including my Prom Dress

Intellectual Goals:

  1. Read 150 books [5 of which must be from this list: http://title.forbiddenlibrary.com/] (0/150)

  2. Learn a second language (either Spanish, Tagalog or Sign Language or some/all)

  3. Get a library card and use it for new music, new books and new dvds

  4. Do 1 750-piece puzzle every 6 months (0/5)

  5. Learn about the constellations

New Experiences:

  1. Play/Sing an open mic show

  2. Ask Robert if he can send you the chords/guitar tab for “Fading Light” with permission to perform it solely at open-mics

  3. Get on the Ellen show

    • AH!!! 4/16/09 I got a call today from The Ellen DeGeneres show people! I got tickets to the May 18th taping!!! It's an outside, probably standing room only, but NO DOUBT is performing!!!!! YESSSSS.

  1. Attend another live taping of a TV Show, including The Price is Right

  2. Go White Water Rafting

  3. Take a Pottery Class or Paint Pottery for an evening

  4. See at least 1 Slam Poetry performance

  5. Do a Disneyland Scavenger Hunt

Financial/Purchasing Goals:

  1. Get student loans down to $10,000

  2. Pay off American Express and cut up card

  3. Pay off WAMU card and cut up card

  4. Buy a used car

  5. Get affordable health care/dental care

  6. Put $5 in savings account for every goal completed (2/101)

  7. Spend NO money (except emergencies) for 1 week (0/7)

  8. Buy a new guitar (preferably a pretty acoustic-electric)

Holiday Tradition Goals:

  1. Carve a pumpkin in 2009, 2010 and 2011

  2. Paint Easter Eggs in 2009, 2010 and 2011

    • Aw, didn't get a chance to do it this year. I'll try again next time. :(

Goodwill/Environment Goals:

  1. Donate money to a researched charity once a month (1/33)

    • Instead of donating to a different researched charity each month, I signed up for Amnesty International. Along with the monthly monetary donations, I vow to be more internationally and politically aware.

  1. Donate blood regularly, at least 11 times (0/11)

  2. Start using re-usable shopping bags

  3. Get two other people to start their own 101 lists (0/2)

  4. Pay for someone behind me at the drive-thru

  5. Buy and use environmentally friendly, toxic-free cleaning supplies

  6. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice on http://www.freerice.com (1,000/1,000,000)

Travel Goals:

  1. Go to Hawaii

  2. Go to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Knotts Berry Farm

  3. Go to the San Fransisco Academy of Sciences (stay for nightlife?)

  4. Go to Chinatown AND buy a lobster there

  5. Go to the Aquarium of the Pacific (with Amanda?)

  6. Go to Disneyland at least 15 times (1/15)

  7. Go to a water park

  8. Go to Las Vegas: See Ka and Avenue Q (see something with Mama)

  9. Go to Lake Tahoe with Daddy

  10. Go whale-watching

  11. Go to a Shark's Game once a year (0/3)

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