Dec 24, 2003 21:03
wow... its been ages since i've writen in this thing! haha!
well lets start off by saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Yes it is oficially christmas now cuz it is 12:05! i am so excited for the morning its not even cool.. i hope everyone likes wut i got them :)
i dont even kno y i decided to write in this thing today of all days haha i should be sleeping waiting for santa to come rite? lol i miss the old days! Christmas just isnt the same n*e more like it was when yer a kid! Ohh well wut can ya do?
Break so far has been eh, alrite. I WANT IT TO SNOW!! so i can go sledding! haha i cant wait! i've hung out with Brandi a lot and we always have fun except when she puts chocolate all in my nose..."hey mandy smell this" "alrite" ::shoves it over my face:: haha good times at bigboys! but me and tony got her bak by leaving her there.. but i came bak for her cuz im a great friend:) lol.. Um i've went to the movies and saw Gothika that was pretty good. Then we went to Aarons and hung out there with a bunch of ppl. I hung out with kristy yesterday and thats always fun. I luv that gurl shes so cute sumtimes.. i wanna be like her-- havin all these men lined up it must be nice haha. I got to put faces to all the ppl she talks about by going to marinelli's haha. She got me the cutest stuff! SHe got me MONKEY slippers, monkey pjs, a hat, AND a shirt..can u say heyy BIG SPENDER! haha Brandi got me a cute shirt too and a gas card, boy that'll come in handy! haha more money to spend on OTHER things!
Today was really nice.. i went to my uncles, i got money, and a ring from my grandpa, its cute! So i dont forget.. amy my uncle said merry christmas! haha.
Friday im suppost to be hanging out with amy n exchanging gifts. We havent really hung out over break so that'll be fun, then i mite be going bowling whooo knows w/ the friends i have.. they ALWAYS change plans or end up not doing stuff..ohh well.
I'm trying to come up with a New Years resolution.. i've never had one, or at least never stuck to one, haha so I wanna think of one.. hmm..
well.. im about to go to sleep tomorrow should be a reallly good day:) **mErrY chRIsTmaS again i hope everyone gets wut they wanT:)