Oct 10, 2003 22:20
Well, I am quite sore right now, and since a nice customer decided to ram a cart into my stomach I was ever so much better. Poor Jenn, she is sore as well. Dragan is making us dinner right now as we speak, he always makes good dinners. Well, today I woke up and called Jenn and she came over around 3 and took me to work we both got a bean burrito at Taco Bell, it was really good. I think fall break started for SHS or at least most high schools because there were a lot of kids there today at 3. Gerry left today for DC. Kinna jealous, I really wanna take a trip there someday, actually you know where I really wanna go, it's to New York, heck yeah... I would be so siked for a trip there. I think that Barbara is mad at me, because I told her parents that she has never met Chris... and yeah... they thought she had. As for you new readers chris is her boyfriend... well ex now I suppose since he is either dead or just broken up with her, because she is dating someone else. Oh well. Guess What?!?!? I just realized I am truly so excited right now, I have the next three days off of work, I don't have to go in, YEAH!!!! So excited... anyways, I guess I should probably get going, Aaron was supposed to call me today but I guess he got busy or forgot or something because he never did call me back... oh well. My dad emailed me today, to let me know about him and my mom not being able to come down for sure for my birthday... that makes me sad.... :( Oh well. My co-worker at works boyfriend threatened to beat me up... because I didn't bring vicoden? is that how you spell it??? I don't know but I was supposed to bring it for her, and he wants it to drink with or something like that and when I told him that I didn't bring it for HER he was like well, I just might beat you up for that.. oh well... he is mean anyways
Well, I guess I should go, I will talk to you all later, take care... bye bye