i had a fuckin blast at my party last night. all the stressing the feeling of my body breaking when i woke up this morning was worth it. i hope all the people that were there had a good time, too.
so i'm 16 now. got a shitload of money (thanks everyone!), some cool presents, and a FUCKIN' WII thanks to my dad. and my new hair straightener should be here some day, which he also got me.
me and the boy =)
i wasn't here for this, but these crazies went outside cause it was like a fuckin' boiler in my basement. so they stole my camera and took pictures
sadie and chrostek's flower sweater
and that was a quick summary of my party.
and an honorable mention to john chrostek's present, which he slaved over for 2 hours: it was the scariest fucking thing i've ever seen. this clay version of me...but it was so scary. and still clay-y. so it's home is in my basement inside the ironing board closet that no one should ever open. but i do appreciate his creativity =)