(no subject)

Jun 23, 2006 23:04

I'm guessing updating this journal here is a summer sort of deal, seeing as how I've yet again had the urge to write!

"FUCK YEAH'S" are heard all around the nation, I know, keep your panties on.

Today was okay, too. Had Anthy and Fred to ward off the blues I've been fighting. (ANTHYS BACK YEAH!)

We had a merry old time which included walking to the local Wawa. Oh how I love me a Wawa, such a good Pennsylvanian place. I bought myself a cookie, bagel, and Arizona green tea (hells yeah) and Anthy bought me a chocolate bar. I paid all $6.30 of it with quarters =D I was proud and Fred was so embarressed he left to the outside. Pussy.

We walked back and then sat at my house for a good while. Tried introducing Anthy to Lord of the Rings, which he actually loved but y'know, had to do social things such as go to the theater to watch a movie on the BIG SCREEN. I haven't been to the movies in ages so it was all fun and games for me.

We saw Click and hey, I thought it was pretty decent. Typical Adam Sandler shit, but the movie made me cry. That actually isn't saying much since I cry at a lot of movies. But it's worth seeing once.

That's fred

And Anthy, the camera-shy one!

He thinks he's SO COOL, that Fred.

and ohshit it's ME.

So, all in all, summer is pretty good so far. My mental health, on the other hand, is taking a turn for the worse and I really don't know how much longer I can deal with it. Sounds pretty dramatic for little 15 year old Sarah, but believe me I have my personal reasons. If it weren't for my great friends (SUCH AS JOHN CHROSTEK, best listener-guy-friend-boy ever seriously) I don't know how I'd get by. if Chrostek hadn't been on the phone with me one of these past nights, I'm pretty sure I would have had much more of a breakdown than I actually did.

So, I thank him muchly. I really do hope I get better because even though it may be in best interest for me, I really do not want to see a doctor. Not only do I think it wouldn't be much help to me, I want to beat this bitch on my own =P

so later guys<3
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